I took approximately 17 photos in Utah, & half of those were with my iPhone, so they don't count. These two are from our hotel room the last night, post-bath.
We're back. Barely. Quinn & I had the trip from hell home yesterday. I feel like I've recounted the story to anyone who really cared to know (my mom even called from Mexico), so I won't re-share it here. I'm tired of telling it, & my tension headache threatens to return every time I do, so let's just say that I cried twice & yelled once (okay, maybe twice), all within a 6 hour period. And I maybe threatened the gentleman (that's being nice) next to me with baby puke aimed in his direction. I'll admit that it was mean of me to use my child as a weapon, but he deserved it. And Delta's Customer Care department got a very lengthly email sent to them mid-flight regarding one of their off duty flight attendants who decided that it would be her mission to get me in trouble (she couldn't, & didn't). The morning started off with Q & I both getting full body pat downs going through security. The absolute absurdity of this made me so mad that I could have screamed - & nearly did. It continued downhill from there & I just couldn't win.
Oh yeah. And then - Quinn screamed from JFK to the door of our apartment building. WITH TRAFFIC. This means that it was approximately 1 hour & 15 minutes of solid screaming for no apparent reason other than wanting to be home right that very second, because the minute we walked into our building & he saw our doorman, he stopped & smiled. And then had the nerve to giggle.
He's bigger, & making new sounds, & giving strangers smiles everywhere he goes. We had fun introducing him to Elizabeth & cousins in Utah, Grandma Whiting in Mapleton & a few friends we were lucky enough to see.
I'm glad we're home.
now i really want to hear the story. maybe i will call you in a few days when you are not so sick of telling it.
the most angry i ever got going through airport security, was when they made me strip haidyn down to her...wait for it... diaper! they decided a 22 year old mother with a 3 week old, needed a little extra security check that day. i had to take off her socks and everything. it was annoying and really sad to completely wake her up right before we got onto the flight.
I know it wasn't funny...I've traveled with young children and babies on planes..a long time ago...but your paragraph about Quinn screaming...and then seeing the doorman, stopping and smiling...well, I'm still grinning from how you wrote it...and picturing it all unfold!
I LOVE his little plaid shirt and jeans...what a little man!
those pics are really just priceless kathryn. that dimple!!
but, now I am left wondering about the entire story?? maybe you can post when you aren't sick of telling about it.
seriously - i need to hear the rest of the story! that pic of Quinn smiling? perfection!
That top phoot is a perfect intro to the post, poor you! I'm sorry you had such a terrible travel day.
i hope you wrote the story down at least somewhere. it was really quite incredible. but those pictures of quinn have to make you feel like a million dang dollars. the absolute adorableness just don't quit.
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