Jan 7, 2011

He wanted to hold my hand all day long.

Someday, when has mastered the use of the word no!!, or when he's 17 years old & just wants to hang out with his friends & won't tell me secrets any more, I am going to look at this photo & remember that on this day, all he wanted to do was hold my hand.

He is a sweet, sweet boy.


Tara Edwards said...

My kids don't realize it, but whenever we go somewhere and we are walking together, I put out my hand and they automatically grab it as we walk. Even Parker. It's sort of something I'm not going to quit anytime soon.

Louise said...

What a sweetheart - I love the contented expression on his face too! You did so well to snap this!

Adelaide still puts her hand on top of mine any time I sit next to her and we're reading or watching something and I die of delight every time!

mb said...
