Feb 23, 2011


This child slept for 9 hours & 51  minutes straight last night, which gives me the reassurance that I will survive motherhood. I got about 6 blessed hours of uninterrupted sleep during this time period, which is unquestionably the longest stretch of sleep that I've had IN OVER A YEAR (thanks to 20 weeks of nausea during pregnancy that had me throwing up at 2am, then insomnia, then a child in the womb trying to kick his way out, then a newborn, then boobs that keep refilling with milk despite the fact that I'D LOVE TO GET SOME SLEEP, & then mid-night panic attacks while staring at the monitor for half an hour because Is he breathing?!).

We've been keeping quite robust stats on this child of ours since his birth, by the way. Thanks to BabyConnect, we essentially track his every move. I don't care if anyone else thinks it's over the top or obsessive. It helps give us a picture of what's going on with Quinn, from how much & how often he's eating, to whether or not he's getting a sufficient amount of sleep. We track his medical information, can see where he's at on the growth charts & have a clear picture if he's going through a growth spurt just by looking at the data. It's a quantitative way to assess how he's doing, & a nice addition to the qualitative information that we already know as parents, of course. We like it. And! Mike knows what he's walking into when he gets home from work before he gets home, because we both have the app. So, if Quinn has taken three 25-minute naps during the day & had two blowouts, then he knows that maybe he should stop & grab dinner on the way home. And flowers. 

And then the nitty gritty of motherhood - 
  • I've changed 976 diapers. NINE HUNDRED & SEVENTY SIX. Mike has helped, of course, but hasn't changed more than 1/7th of all diapers (just given how often he's home).
  • We've given him 86 bottles (of pumped breast milk). Mike gets the credit for the delivery of most of these.
  • I've pumped 2.7 gallons of breast milk, & spent 39 hours & 15 minutes of my life strapped up to my pump (no wonder breastfeeding makes women feel like a cow sometimes). 
  • I've spent approximately 330 hours breastfeeding (that's about 13.75 days). I used to catch up on my DVR or call my mom, but Q has now decided that talking while breastfeeding is unacceptable & he'd appreciate my undivided attention. Good thing I'm so sneaky with my iPhone. 
And this is why they have Mother's Day. 

Isn't his shirt cute? From Aunt Joanna. Love it.


Lindsey said...

Almost 10 hours?! That sounds amazing. So does Baby Connect - perfect for getting your baby on a schedule/routine.

mere said...

I want to go back in time and use Baby Connect.

Amy said...

Those are some impressive stats!

Meg said...

Whoa. Those are some all star stats. Thank goodness there's sleep at the end of the tunnel!

Missy said...

Those are some serious stats and hours you are logging. I love the 330 hours of breastfeeding.

The fact that Mike knows what he is walking home to has to be completely worth it right? Devin may want Baby Connect next time we have a newborn:)

erin said...

his shirt is really fabulous.

and that app has khw written all over it. thirdburton will be much better documented than first and second.

miss you a lot. will quinn be walking by the time you get here? i'll call you tomorrow.