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He's doing this thing now where he's always wanting to touch my face. Always. When he's sitting on my lap, when he's nursing - it's all about my face. It's really sweet, although also a good reminder for me to cut his fingernails sometimes. They grow like weeds. And, he chews on my cheeks & my chin & my nose, which means that he's either mimicking his mama (by the end of the day his poor head & face are covered in shimmer from my makeup - who knew my cosmetics were so sparkly!), or he's thinking about teething. He's nursing like a champ - & I finally like nursing. I used to think I couldn't make it another day, let alone another month. But we've done it, & that's nice - because it was really, really hard at first. He loves tummy time, rolls over both ways & is just about perfecting his tripod stance when he's sitting up on his own. He has this look of being so proud when he does something new. He gets a little bit nervous when I throw him up in the air (but then giggles), loves it when I sing to him, & probably likes bath time with Dad the very best. He's getting a little belly, but is still carrying most of his weight in his thighs. I love the little rolls on his arms. He gets really big eyes when he gets excited & makes an "O" with his mouth. His hair! It blows in the wind! He doesn't have a mullet any more (phew) & it's getting darker. He'll be a brunette. He wakes up happy, & gets excited & a bit bashful when we go in to get him in the mornings. He goes to bed early, sleeps 8-9 hours at night before having a little snack around 4, & then sleeps again until a much more reasonable hour. He naps well, loves a good afternoon walk & thinks being in the Ergo is pretty cool. He cranes his neck to watch the TV whenever it is on, which means that the TV is rarely on any more. He doesn't care much for a binky & really only uses one when he's in the stroller or when we're putting him down to sleep (spitting it out as soon as he's in the crib). He stares intently at his books, does lots of babbling in the morning & giggles when I rub lotion on his feet. He cries only when he's tired or startled - & he's a teensy bit on the jumpy side (but doesn't flinch at sirens, subways or taxi horns).
He's finally used to the sound of my camera shutter (it doesn't make him cry any more) & tolerates our photo shoots quite well. How could I choose less than a dozen? I like one best because he looks like his dad, another because I see me. His eyes are popping in one, & I can see his squish in another.
Twenty weeks! Five months. I told a friend yesterday that having a baby is the most humbling experience I've ever had. The emotional & physical exhaustion alone are enough to bring anyone to their knees - both literally & figuratively. But looking back now, with my head finally above the water - oh my gosh. What an experience those first few weeks & months were. It is unquestionably true that they serve a purpose - in part, to prove to yourself that you can do absolutely anything (because that's what mothers have to be able to do) - whether it be hurting your body to get your child here, or keeping another human alive when you feel like you're on the verge yourself. It's okay to be proud of myself, right? I am. Because having a baby isn't an easy feat, & because it is something that creates relative upheaval in your life. And because this week, I've made dinner four nights in a row (+ even for someone else yesterday). And I shower & get dressed on a daily basis. And our apartment is clean, & my husband is happy & my son is happy. Because the simple things have turned into the big accomplishments, but that's okay. My life finally feels under control. And now, I have the confidence that even though some days & weeks (& months) in the future might be really hard, we'll survive - even happily.
On our agenda for the next few weeks with Q: Some travels - via trains & airplanes. Solids (but when? we're still debating)! Warmer temperatures in New York (61˚ tomorrow!), calling for lots of walks & time in the park, I hope. And finally, a few date nights with Mike - with Q getting to know what the term babysitter really means.
(Mom - thank you again for this quilt. Could it be any prettier? No.)
(Mom - thank you again for this quilt. Could it be any prettier? No.)

So beautiful!! Congratulations Kathryn!
Congrats on a happy boy and a happy life!
Oh my gosh...those eyes!! Congratulations!
Oh my..the pics of him holding adorable! My youngest grandson has just started hugging his 'be-ur' (translation: bear) and it's just so precious! I love how you've chronicled Quinn's growth next to donkey!
Those pics are gorgeous - of him and that beautiful quilt. Can't believe he's already 5 months old!
And so true, those first few weeks/months of motherhood are intense - it makes the whole thing that much more amazing.
Ok - next warning. Now that he loves touching your face, watch out for dangly ear-rings. They are enticing and having one pulled would be just plain awful! I know this from personal experience.
Adorable! It is really amazing how many similar feelings I have to yours, how crazy the first months of motherhood have been. It's so nice to finally be REALLY enjoying everything. Can't wait to babysit little Q soon!
#STUNNING (see how I did that Twitter reference? I'm so hip)
please share your secrets; baby wise? baby whisperer? pure luck? i am where you seemed to be a few months ago, i have no idea when my baby sleeps. besides a few boobie power naps, she is ALWAYS awake!
Baby Wise, Baby Wise, Baby Wise. I've read them ALL. Literally. Happy Baby, Healthy Sleep Habits. Happiest Baby on the Block. Secrets of the Baby Whisperer. With #2, we'll do Baby Wise from Day 1.
(Baby awake all the time = severely over tired baby = much harder to get them go to sleep = probably some crying involved...)
That one with his arm wrapped around donkey's neck..adorable. I love the colors of these photos.
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