Feb 3, 2011

I thought today was going to be Friday, but it turned out to just be Thursday.

(First of all - whoa. Hi, friends. I'm suddenly feeling a little sheepish because I didn't realize that more than half a dozen people kept up with us. Excuse me while I figure out what to do here, but I'm a bit surprised at the contents of the woodwork!)

I thought yesterday was Thursday for approximately 76% of the day. I finally figured out that it was in fact only Wednesday, but was only mildly disappointed. See, most days feel a bit like Ground Hog Day when you have a small baby. Wake up, & repeat

Q & I visited friend Suzi today, Thursday. The little boys (with the big boy being Will - how did that happen so fast?) had their first opportunity to actually interact & it was clearly love at first sight. They immediately linked arms (we didn't pose them) & Q grabbed Ben's hand as fast as he could & started gnawing on it. He's chewing on everything these days, including new friends apparently. Ben didn't even mind! True friends, just like their mamas. Amazing.

I had an OB appointment today. Just a little maintenance, but I laughed with my doctor because I've literally seen her every single month since the fall of 2009. As much as I love her (& now-traditional trips to Bouchon Bakery at Columbus Circle), I'm not planning on seeing her again for a very long time. I've had enough of stirrups for a while, although Mike has probably appreciated appointment days because it means I actually shave my legs. Why do I think I need to do this for my female OBGYN, by the way? Anyway. Mike worked from home in the afternoon so that I wouldn't have to bring Quinn along, & when I walked in the door, he grinned at me from ear to ear. It was a beautiful sight. He loves his mama.


This child of mine? His smile basically takes over his entire body. His eyes sparkle, he miraculously gets approximately a dozen dimples in his cheeks & his arms & legs wiggle like crazy. He is absolutely, contagiously happy*. Amongst many other things (like how to change a diaper on my lap, how to shower in 3 minutes, how to function on less hours of sleep than I have fingers on my right hand, or how to make up a song, on the spot, about absolutely anything), being a mother has more thoroughly taught me what it means to be like a child - easily pleased, infectiously happy, immediately forgiving. I think I'm going to try to be more like my son this week.

Unrelated: I'm starving. Constantly. So, so very hungry. I suppose that I am in fact feeding another human being (& I'm proud of his perfect chubbiness), but I'm voraciously hungry at all hours of the day. And I want to make City Bakery's Macaroni & Cheese right this very second, except that we just finished eating dinner. Perfect. 

*unless tired or hungry, of course. He is a baby, after all.


Jill said...

I love your writing about being a mama. I agree with you completely, being child-like is something to strive towards. Jane melts me every day too. There are moments when I think to myself 'memorize that expression' because she is so sweet and I want to remember it all.

p.s. you will have one busy doorman!

Kera said...

absolutely loved the paragraph after "(metl)" . i had to read it to patrick. i think i will make that my goal for the week, year, and forever.

Heidi said...

Wow all those lurkers! Who knew?! I guess technically I used to be one as well, like 4 years ago. Wow again, can't believe I've been reading your blog that long!

Kylie Whiting said...

please add me to your long list of admirers. i want in on the blog action!

Lindsey said...

i don't really need to tell you to add me, right? but add me to your private list, ok. :)

love this - your paragraph about it teaching to be like a child - so perfect.

erin said...

B+Q=4ever. So cute.

Mike said...

Straight thuggin' in the do rag