I guess there's a few photos of tummy time, too. Except it's more like passive time, because Q obviously wasn't interested in doing much of anything except relaxing.
19 weeks. Holy smokes!
I feel like it's a lot of same old / same old with my photos of Quinn. I try to be creative! I do. But! We have a small apartment. There are only so many options, & he isn't very obedient when I ask him to stand up & pose. So, here we are. A quilt, a donkey & Baby Q. He's growing! And Donkey's fur is now permanently soaked in slobber. He doesn't seem to mind.
Oh. And Quinn generally wears pants. He didn't feel like it yesterday, though. Can you blame him? I'd want to show off those legs if I had them, too.
Quinn's onesie is from Polarn O. Pyret. I've had a small obsession with that line ever since we found out Baby was a Baby Boy, & it quickly turned into Q's favorite, too. The softest fabrics, the best colors, really simple + great graphics / stripes that are void of anything offensive like Disney characters, & quality construction that is made to last (which will be helpful when we have another child in a decade). I love their track jackets, onesies, blankets, hats, mittens... basically everything I've ever purchased from them in the past 9 months or so. Anyway. They emailed me the other week & asked me if I'd be interested in participating in their parent's group. I was excited, but nervous - because it meant that I would have to explain to Mike that I had maybe spent a little too much money on Q's clothes & some red flag had flown up in their headquarters. Luckily, the woman who runs their social media & PR wrote me back immediately & said not to fear, & explained why they reached out. I avoided getting into trouble by my sweet husband, & he took it as very good news since I'll have some perks going forward.
Anyway. We've had a good time figuring out the shopping landscape for boys, & it's been more fun than I ever thought it would be. All of the recommendations from friends last year were so helpful, too. Having a discount to PO.P (it hurts my eyes that there is a period missing, but that's how they do it!) will be lovely, & I'm happy to have a one time use code to share with friends, too: Use POPFRIENDS to get 15% off all full-priced items (excluding their Classic Stripes & Best Basics) + free shipping on your first order. That's fun, right? I think so.
Happy Friday, blog. I had a night of fitful sleep (while Q slept peacefully, of course) dreaming about every mishap that could possibly occur on some upcoming travels that we have, so my head is hurting & I'm wanting to crawl back into bed. Instead, we're heading out for a much needed afternoon of fresh air, hot chocolate & time with friends. I think that will serve us well.
Brand new! || 18 days || 31 days || 38 days || Seven weeks || Nine weeks || Eleven weeks || Fifteen Weeks || Seventeen Weeks
Brand new! || 18 days || 31 days || 38 days || Seven weeks || Nine weeks || Eleven weeks || Fifteen Weeks || Seventeen Weeks

He is so adorable. Love his smile!
PO.P is a good one. Fun to be on their parent's group. I want to hear more about it! Love Q's new onsie.
Picture #2=m
Pictures #4&5=k
FaceTime= superbowl weekend? What do you have planned?
I, for one, love the donkey pictures. Donkey makes for good size reference to see just how much your baby has grown. I really cannot get over how big he is! So big! And so, so cute.
I'm really wishing that I had a baby to shop for. Believe me, I could put that discount code to good use. Baby clothes are my favorite.
So if I use the code POPFRIENDS (and I just might), does that mean we are friends enough to still be friends when you go private? KIDDING! (This was written for the benefit of all your real-life friends who had such fun with the "lurker" comments. I much prefer being called an out-of-the-woodworker now.)
Short story: Three girlfriends and I were to be in NYC last weekend but as I had my hand on the front door to leave for work Wed. morn, JetBlue called. I assumed it was to confirm the flight I was to take Wed. night. Instead it was to tell me my flight had been canceled and changed to. . . BEEEEP! End of message. Turns out they wanted to fly us in on Sat. so we could fly out on Sun. Long story short, couldn't get out of Calif. Or should I say, couldn't get into NYC. (75 degree weather here was definitely not the problem--and although all pre-paid entertainment/hotel kindly refunded our money, they did not feel sorry for where we were "stuck".) I told my friends I will unpack one sweater at a time (which could take awhile) and a list of your recommendations is still in my purse. Denial:(
Have a great weekend.
He is simply presh.
I throw almost all of our stuffed animals in the washer now and then for a pick me up up...We have a certain dog who visits and loves to pick them up and cart them around a though she's bearing gifts..sometimes in multiples. It's an easy way to get them fresh as a daisy, and they turn out good as new!
I love keeping up on your blog if you don't mind (:
Woah! I didn't realize that PO.P reached out from their social media team, that is so fancy! If I had a baby, I would definitely be taking advantage of your discount. I wouldn't be surprised if the next time that they reached out to you, they were asking if Quinn could be the new poster boy for their company. I'm completely smitten with your baby boy.
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