Mar 9, 2011



a) we like him a lot
b) It pushes my creativity & skill level
c) I do it anyway

A photo per day (or maybe four, if I can't make up my mind). That's my goal. I only wish I would have thought of this around, oh, September because it would have saved me some work. In the meantime, I'm only missing a few dozen photos & slowly but surely working on filling in the blanks.


Jill said...

I clicked over and saw you're already all set up and caught up, amazing my dear. He's so sweet and it will be amazing to see how the 365 days changes him. Also - you can just keep going on 365 more days right?

Emily said...

Oh that is the coolest! It's like the most artistic flip book...and as always, your photos are simply amazing.

Julie said...

Just so you know, I will be copying this idea.