Mar 11, 2011

Happy dance.

My sister said something to me the other day about how our blog was more interesting when I was documenting my city wanderings & eating out seven times per day. I know just how she meant it, & of course it's probably true, but I accept the sometimes mundanity of parenthood & the new relative simplicity of our lives. This is our new reality, & my reality isn't Soho very often anymore. C'est la vie! 

(That being said, it's only appropriate that we enter the realm of posting videos that are likely uninteresting & unimpressive to anyone except Quinn's parents & close friends + family.) 

Sometimes, after we put him to bed & we're getting ready to go to sleep, we'll pull out our phones & look at the photos & video that we've taken that day. Even when he's sleeping, we still want to see him. It's a little ridiculous, but again - welcome to our new reality of thinking that everything our child does is the cutest & the most amazing. I'm just fine with this.

Quinn has a happy dance. I think it's a developmental thing (?), & a lot of babies do it, but it's just this quirky thing that he does & we love it. There are multiple videos of impeccable quality that will someday be turned into an amazing happy dance video, but until I figure out how to use iMovie, Mike's iPhone video will have to suffice. 

He wiggles like a worm & looks like a cartoon character. Everything is exaggerated. SO. HAPPY. We already know he loves flying, or maybe he just really loves the floor of the Denver airport + bright sunlight. Or maybe he was just happy to have been fed + given a clean pair of underpants.

Whatever the case, he was happy, & here's his dance. 


Whitney said...

I appreciate your videos, photos, and all your baby insights, because I am a mom and 99.9% of my time is spent eiher with Davis or thinking about him or staring at him. Or planning what to donfor him.

Ryan and I do the same thing at night with our phones. :)

The true and utter joy you feel when your baby does something (ex. Giggles, smiles, learns a new trick) is unparalleled to any other feeling in this world! It's all just really quite amazing!

Erin said...

sooo funny! He really does wriggle like a worm! I still love your blog. Not less interesting at all. How could you not like a cute baby and darling pictures?

Jill said...

oh. my. cutest baby award.

erin said...

i love that his head bobs from side to side. he has the happiest smile i've ever seen.

Jeanne said...

Love the happy dance -- and in the airport no less! We should all remember to happy dances in airports.