Mar 27, 2011


Our days feel like a crazy dance sometimes, with so many moving parts that mean that our time together is often precious. My favorite part of the week is most definitely those somewhat rare moments when the three of us are together, relaxed & in no rush to do much of anything else. Those are the best moments, but they are also somewhat few & far between. 

Saturdays are ideally a family days, but ours sometimes end up feeling like we're living independent lives while tossing a child back & forth. I'm exaggerating, but days like yesterday make me feel this way, & I still kind of feel like I'm catching my breath from the weekend. We were supposed to be in DC for the Cherry Blossom Festival but decided not to go a few days prior given the chilly temperatures throughout the Northeast (35˚ + wandering around outside all day with a small baby didn't sound like a lot of fun). I love seeing the cherry blossoms each spring, but we opted for a weekend home instead. It was great! Busy. But good. A night out on Friday, & then a full Saturday & Sunday. 

Like I said - catching my breath now, especially after the game of  Toss the Baby Q that was played. The play by play: I woke up early Saturday morning thanks to my always faithful alarm clock (Quinn). As soon as I was done giving him his breakfast, I handed him off to Mike & climbed directly back into bed for 2+ hours (a blessed Saturday morning gift of sleep that my sweet husband is willing to give me, & something that is very much needed). As soon as I woke up, Mike ran out the door to play basketball up at the church. When he walked back in a few hours later, I walked out so that I could take some family photos in Central Park. It wasn't until 4:30pm that the three of us were together as a family - & then it was out the door to a birthday party & then back home just in time for a bath + dinner + sleep for Quinn. Mike happily turned on the basketball games, & I met up with Suzi for a much needed pedicure followed by a late dinner at Chipotle. 

Our Sunday wasn't entirely different. I woke up to feed Quinn, & Mike got in the shower to get ready (no early meetings today, hooray!). He got out, &  I got in. Quinn ate some bananas, got some clothes on & headed out the door with Mike just in time for him to fall asleep in the stroller (since church causes a massive upheaval to his morning nap routine, of course). I hopped in a cab a few minutes later & met them there. Quinn woke up (ugh). We sat together throughout the first meeting, which meant that we passed our son back & forth & did our best to keep him happy & entertained - which he was. I stepped out to feed him just before the meeting was over, & then passed him off to Mike for the rest of church so that I could go visiting teaching afterwards. Our afternoon involved not enough relaxing, & more getting things done. We managed to enjoy an early dinner with friends Tim & Amy, but missed out on making a birthday party later. Sigh.

So, here we are again. Mike is helping me get laundry done, I'm sorting through photos & thinking about what to pack for Texas, & Quinn is peacefully asleep.  

How do these days go by so quickly? 


Jan said...

Look at that! Little boy hair!!!!

Jill said...

You guys have way too much going on. If I have more than 1 thing that I need to get done in a day, I start to have a panic attack.

Mike said...

Q Ball is my favorite game