Apr 21, 2011

I haven't had the best 72 hours.

In the past 72 hours, I've survived a virtually sleepless night followed by a cross-country trip with my 7 month old (exhausting), the almost-near destruction of my stroller thanks to United Airlines (with no compensation from them - letters have been written), & the loss of one of my very favorite earrings at the end of the trip (just the icing on the cake, of course). AND THEN - of course the universe would punish me & I would break two of my very favorite & often used toes on my right foot, rendering me virtually useless as a human being & mother (not to mention pedestrian). Of course! I mean, one toe would have just been silly. But two! At least my pain was legitimized. 

It turns out that toes are really important. So now- I have a cane (a cane?!) & a really fantastic little shoe. And a foot that is all sorts of pretty blue & green colors. 

(I kicked a suitcase. I wish I had done something heroic, or at least athletic / not stupid. I don't want to talk about it any more, except to say that it really, really hurt.)

But I'm home! With a really nice husband & a very happy baby. And there's a new minor emergency clinic on the Upper East Side that had me in, X-Rayed & out in about half an hour. And strollers can be replaced. Toes heal. And everyone delivers (anything!) in New York City, so really - everything will be okay.


Jill said...

Sending you a big hug for your bad couple days. I'm glad NYC can take it easy when asked. Talk to you soon. xo

Emily said...

Oh no! You poor thing - I hope you are feeling better soon!

Kera said...

should i bake you a casserole and mail it your way?

erin said...

casserole is such a weird word. like goiter and moist.

i would love to see a picture of the boot sometime. and amazon.com can sometimes make things a little better. but we both know that.