Apr 3, 2011

Quality of Life Returns

For those following my pathetic facebook status updates this week, you're likely well aware that I'm thrilled to have these two home again. Seems like home also agrees with Q. Note the spastic happy-dance motion on continual replay. He continued this routine all night, including in my arms while I tried to give him a bottle. Sorry, no video of that segment of the evening, as I was wearing a uniquely monogrammed white t-shirt covered in sweet potato puke. We'll save that reel for the special features / director's cut.

Good to be back in the fatherhood / husbandry game (wait, that's probably not the right word... oh well). Much love to my Texas second cousins that took such good care of my next of kin.


erin said...

please consider practicing fatherhood/"husbandry" in the lonestar state. please. kthnx.

k. said...

I could watch this video 38 times. I hope he's still doing the happy dance when he's 12.

Amy said...

Eli just did his own little happy dance while he sat on my lap watching Quinn do his happy dance. This is adorable.

Elizabeth said...

Oh I always like when you post mike!

Jill said...

I have never seen a baby dance quite like that, I love it. Jane kicked her legs but he gets his whole body moving!