May 1, 2011

30 Rock.

It's hard to not be awestruck by the view of the city. I love both views - to the south, looking down at our first neighborhood after our marriage + move to New York (six years ago yesterday!). And then to the north, where we've spent the last four years living east of Central Park. I think it's all really beautiful.

(We've delayed the official observance of our anniversary this year to later this month when Grandma is in town from Washington & can spend some quality one-on-one time with Q.)

Quinn thought it was fun, & then not so much when he realized we were smack in the middle of nap time & nowhere near his crib (with the Ergo serving as a poor substitute as of late). My city baby won't nap in his stroller (unlike in City Lullaby, one of our favorite books). Sigh.

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I made a joke to Mike today about donating plasma so that I could buy something especially frivolous (& lovely). He looked at me like I was crazy, & without missing a beat pointed out that I'm basically hanging on by a thread right now & that if I were to donate any sort of vital bodily fluid, I would likely face an imminent death. I suppose this is somewhat true. Let's hope that my broken toes / tweaked back / completely clogged sinuses show some mercy soon. I've been a bit of a disaster.


Mike said...

Yay for day 1 of year 7! Let's celebrate on Friday the 13th.

Kera said...

happy anny & very cool pictures.

Lindsey said...

amazing pics of your city! hope your toes gets better very soon...