May 9, 2011

Central Park Nap.

Quinn is a really great sleeper at home, in his crib, but it's a little more tricky when we're out. He's not a just doze off to sleep kind of baby. Actually, I'm fairly certain I haven't seen him do any dozing sine he was just a tiny babe. Thank goodness he has such a good dad - & for nice days at the park where lots of walking, even if in circles, is quite pleasant.

Mumford & Sons - Roll Away Your Stone


Jan said...

I just love the music - perfect fit for your very cute video!

Lindsey said...

oh the life of a parent. :) i love this.

Jill said...

high-five, mike. that doesn't look fun. i have a love/hate relationship with naps. hopefully q will someday love to slumber in that stroller.

Jeanne said...

This is so funny. So how did you make that video? Repeating sections, speeding up... I'm impressed. Love the music.

Missy said...

Neither of my girls have slept in strollers either. Good thing you kept visual record of this one.

erin said...

more videos. por favor.

Lizzie said...

Funny! Cute video.