May 29, 2011

Coney Island.

We went with the Eli, Tim & Amy on Saturday & had a really fun time. Coney Island isn't the classiest of establishments, but for some reason it's just a happy + fun place for me (maybe all of the color? the ocean + the breeze?). We ate hot dogs at Nathan's, wandered around the boardwalk, fed our babies & watched Mike & Tim get sling-shotted (word?) into the sky. It was a good day. I have a zillion photos & about zero motivation to go through them right now. But these Instax photos? They're fun. Little snapshots from our day. 

(Photos from when we went two years ago. Simpler times without diaper bags + strollers or trying to breastfeed [with a cover] on a very windy beach. Happy memories!)


Lizzie said...

I went to Coney Island for the first time last weekend. It was a short visit unfortunately, but fun. It seems like a fun Summer activity!

Jill said...

Ahh! Coney Island. What a fun day for you guys. I clicked on the link from a few years back. Good times. Miss you, Whitings.

Amy said...

Good glad we took the journey, even if the subway ride took all morning/afternoon. No Instax of the slingshot?!