May 22, 2011


Hi, blog.

First - at one point does a mother no longer feel tired? I still feel tired, mostly. I mean, not always, but generally speaking, I don't think I've felt thoroughly well-rested since the fall of 2009. Sleep when the baby sleeps! Blah blah blah blah... I know.

(I say this as some sort of caveat I suppose, because anytime I try to write anything these days, everything comes out mushy & in the wrong order, & I can't say things the way that I want to, so then I don't say anything at all, or I say something & it ends up just being kind of silly-slash-stupid. Did I ever tell about the time a few months ago when I had Mike proof a post that I thought was particularly profound, but maybe a bit complex? Yeah, he finished it, looked it me, & said It needs a little bit of work. It doesn't really make any sense. So. Just so we're clear, I blame fatigue!)

Mike & I went out to dinner Friday night. Date nights have been more frequent the past few weeks & that's a happy thing. We went to the West Village & ate at a yummy little Peruvian + Ceviche bar. We loved the lomo saltado, & the ceviche was really great. Afterwards, we stopped into a fun little Swedish candy shop & picked up a pound or so of treats, & then ran into The Wafel Truck that just happened to be a block away. We had to get some. You know, for good measure. It was a really great New York City food night. Peruvian for dinner, Swedish for dessert, & Belgian waffles (wafels? depends on where you are, I suppose) for a post-dessert treat. Oh! And THEN! When we got home, I polished off the remaining piece of one of the cupcakes that I had picked up earlier in the day (story: I was out walking with Q & needed a water, desperately. I went into Purple Elephant Cake Boutique [really love this place, by the way] to buy one, & was forced to purchase three cupcakes + my water to meet their $10 credit card minimum. Sigh - I can't keep cash in my wallet to save my life, but was pleased with the excuse to buy some treats, even if cupcakes are totally 2008). The next morning, for breakfast -  I had a cupcake. And then! The scale this morning told me that I lost four pounds. Go figure.

What else. Oh! We went out again last night, to Blue Smoke. Two nights in a row, out past 10! Look at us! (And now we're thoroughly exhausted, of course.) The Lloyds are in town & seeing Jill makes me happy, happy, happy! Love that girl THISMUCH & love having her in the city with us for a few days. She played peek-a-boo with a somewhat sad Q yesterday afternoon for a half-dozen blocks (after we'd gone to Shake Shack and The Wafel Truck) & she didn't even flinch when he puked everywhere. True friend.

I went to the spa yesterday morning! A full (& I mean full) body scrub, massage + a facial. It was maybe one of the best mornings of my life. Thank you, sweet husband. It was a lovely Mother's Day gift & I'm feeling like a new mama (in a good way, & not in the shell shocked & on the verge of a total breakdown kind of way).

What else. Quinn! He's basically a genius, is already doing tons of algebra, is almost fluent in Spanish & just finished his first sprint triathlon. He sleeps 16 hours straight at night & then wakes up & makes his own breakfast, never, ever cries & has decided to become a vegetarian because he loves animals too much. I kid! Clearly. But seriously, I'm doing my best to not fall into the but their kid is doing THAT already!! trap, & in the meantime, feeling happy because he's super cute! And is a (mostly) good sleeper, a good eater, generally well-adjusted & most importantly is a very loved baby. And really, he's doing lots of great tricks, & it's really fun for us to watch him evolve into this little miniature person. 

Thoroughly unrelated photos from the other morning. It takes a while to get him dressed when I refuse to put my camera away. Sorry, Q.


noelle said...

yawn. LOVE.

noelle said...

i mean HIS yawn... not that your post is a yawn... er, case in point. that mama tiredness you speak of never. goes. away.

Mike said...

if it's any consolation, churning through 200+ emails a day has ruined my creative writing abilities as well.

PS - that story didn't quite go down as described. But for the sake of the remarkable quality of THIS post, I'll let it slide.

PPS - your blogging completes me

Unknown said...

I was exhausted EXHAUSTED until I stopped nursing this time around. There is hope!

Lindsey said...

i love that last pic of his yawn!

there are moments when i'm not tired... but not many.

Jan said...

The yawn is precious! I know I'm not alone when I say (over and over again) that I did not stop being tired till I stopped nursing. I think it takes a WHOLE lot of energy to keep that little guy growing so beautifully, and so you're left always a bit deprived and depleted.

Katherine said...

I agree always tired. I am glad there is hope for when you stop nursing!

Louise said...

I sympathise with the fatigue - although when I stopped nursing I was completely tired for a week and my chiropractor mentioned this is because your body is readjusting itself! (just a warning). I never get tired of reading your words, however!