May 25, 2011

Sitting on a bench in Soho.

Kylie Nixon took our family photos last Thursday down in Soho. Quinn was well behaved, & besides the bazillion percent humidity that made my hair wrinkly, everything went really well & we had fun. We're super excited to see how they all turned out, especially since taking photos with three of us (one of whom has a bit of a slobbering problem) is a bit more complicated than it's been in years past. We really love Kylie, so we try to grab her when she's in town visiting Kelsey (she also did Q's birth announcementour photos in Central Park a few summers ago).

It's basically impossible to find a cab during shift change (4-5pm), so we took advantage of our location & walked over to Cafe Habana for an early dinner. We really love that place, & although we're huge fans of La Esquina, Cafe Habana would win in an elote fist fight any day.


Lindsey said...

Those are adorable! I can't wait to see the ones your friend took too! We are in desperate need of family photos but it feels so overwhelming to me...

noelle said...

q's skinny jeans are killing me. so cute. hey listen, about feeding my child dead chicken. i'm probably being all judgy and whatnot about my mexican ped, but i still think 7 months is too early. i was gonna mention on my post about how his poop got weird after feeding him poultry, but aud's been on my case about being grody on the blog. so i guess i'll just be grody on yours... anyway. what was my moral of the story? oh yeah. q is perfect. you're awesome. pears and veggies are good.

Jeanne said...

Love the bright colors -- red, green, yellow -- even reflected in the window. Fun! Quinn's getting so tall!

erin said...

your hair is pretty and shaggier and blonder or something. what's going on? i love it. i cannot wait to see team whiting photos.

Reagan said...

i've been away! i've missed so many cute picture!

i just want to tell you that your skirt is amazing!
