May 21, 2011


I was extra sleepy (thanks to his apparent belief that 6am is a great time to start the day this week), & he was wide awake - so into my bed we went for some cuddle time. Except that he was being especially sweet + happy, so I had to take some photos.


Tara Edwards said...

So I love it when babies get necks. There is something so cute about the big head, skinny neck thing and I just want to kiss them! He is so cute. Seriously.

Louise said...

Kathryn, your ability to capture this darling boy just blows me away. Next time I have a baby, is there any way you can be in the UK to take pictures??!! ;o) (I am actually being serious!) As captivated I am by him, I just love seeing your talent.

meg cline said...

Looooove these. The lighting is amazing! He looks so happy and sweet.

Genevieve said...

I feel like all of a sudden he has all this hair. So cute.

audrey said...

oh my. these pix are delicious. i can hardly stand it. i actually want to get in bed with all of you!! with fresh white pajamas!!

Kera said...

he is darn cute.

noelle said...

aren't aud's comments the best? she always says what i was going to say. but really, i don't know how you can stand there and take pictures when this ball of scrumptious is sitting there. his neck! i wanna gnaw on it so bad.

Missy said...

he really is adorable kathryn. love his big eyes and gummy smile.

Amy said...

LOVE the lighting here...please report on your camera settings. PS: Maybe you're so tired because you spend your time making dinner for your friends. Thanks again - SO yummy.

k. said...

Amy - The light was super, super bright, but I knew I wanted something slightly blown-out, so here's what I did when I was shooting into the light (using my 50mm f/1.4 lens):

ISO 640

And then I used spot metering instead of evaluative (which I typically use) when I was shooting INTO the light (otherwise Q would have been backlit, etc).

I had to switch things up when I was shooting the other way..

Amy said...

Thanks...okay, I'm going to carefully digest that all in my head now! Amazing...