Jun 10, 2011

He's on hour 12 of sleep, so of course I'm wide awake.

It's 6:19am & my husband + baby are both sleeping. I, on the other hand, am awake - with a brain that is swimming with ideas & to-do lists. We have a lot going on, & while I should probably be sleeping, I'm up! I've gone for months & months with 5-6 hours of cumulative sleep per night, & I think I've learned to just need less. Speaking of sleeping, Q flipped a little switch in his brain a few days ago & decided that finally sleeping 12 hours straight was a good idea (an excellent idea, really!) & that's his new status quo. I finally dropped his dream feed - which I'm sure was more disruptive than helpful at this point - & all of a sudden his morning chatting sessions at 5:30am are finally over. Of course, I'm still waking up, but still! I think I've finally gotten a glimpse of how people have one more than one child.

He's almost 9 months! 9 months! That's almost a year old, which is almost two years old, which is a TODDLER, which means that he's essentially starting kindergarten in like 2 weeks. How does this happen?! He's growing up! So fast. There are these glimpses of boy coming through that just baffle me. I'm not rocking him any more when I put him down for a nap. He just doesn't love to be cradled any more, so he's up on my shoulder instead, just for a minute while we sing our song. But his head immediately rests on my chest & he squeezes my shoulder, & this means that mostly, I repeat our song another one or two times, because how could I put him down? He knows how to reach out & grab my hands so that he can pull himself up to standing (which is always followed by a massive + obviously pleased with himself grin), & he's somehow able to scoot across the room (backwards?) off his blanket during the 4.7 seconds I'm in the other room. I've never witnessed how this actually takes place. He sits & plays with his toys so very well, smiles at strangers everywhere we go, & wants to eat everything (he chewed on a lime during lunch yesterday). He's so, so happy to see us when he wakes up in the morning & from naps, literally squealing with with happiness. The ego boost is amazing, & gives me hope that I am just maybe doing something right in the world. I love it. And then there's the soft spot that he has for his dad. He clearly just loves him so much, & beams (BEAMS!) every time he walks in the door after work. I think he's well aware that having Mike around is extra fun & extra special. What else! He's talking! Well. Babbling, but he's learning all sorts of sounds (gaga, dada, & nothing close to mama) & he's especially chatty in the mornings. Love.

Mike made the comment the other morning that blogging is so 2007. This made me giggle, but really, I feel like I've blogged for different reasons over the years. It started out as a way to stay in touch with my family who was 3,000 miles away after our marriage & move to New York. It evolved into some sort of travel + food + NYC journal, sprinkled with bits of overs sharing I'm sure, & then morphed into a place to share & organize my photos & stories. I'm not sure what it really is now, except just about Quinn. Our life is so different than it was a year ago, & there are maybe less exciting things to post about, but I am so not out there with the goal to entertain or impress. For now, I just want a written + visual record of the fact that we love Quinn & that we are so happy to be his parents. Especially now that he's become such an expert at sleeping.

(Because we're not all happy all the time, of course.)


Jan said...

Wonderful news about his long nights. I remember it being hard for me too all those years ago, but I ever so quickly got used to it. It was only then that I knew I would finally feel like myself again one day soon. Sleep is fairy dust for parents, for sure!

Ylrac said...

i love this post

Heidi said...

Hurray for truly sleeping through the night. And I love your reasons for blogging, I feel the same way.

9-10 months is seriously so great. Love that age.

Aaron + Kayti said...

i am so happy to hear about Q sleeping better and i totally relate to being up. i relish in the time when roe is asleep so i can get ish done, but it would probably be a smart idea to sleep when he sleeps - oh well!

i am in love with that last picture - SO darling.

Jill said...

love this kid of yours. love you.

ps. i am always impressed and entertained when reading your blog. xoxo

Meg said...

Aww, that last picture is heart breaking! Poor Quey. Love this post & love reading abt your happy lovely life.

Whitney said...

Yay for him sleeping 12 hours! It's amazing how much more capable (of everything) you feel when you have a full nights rest (or at least alone time). :)

It really does all happen just too darn fast!

ps. You 365 days of Quinn is still my favorite.

Mandy said...

Congrats on 12 hours!! Don't you feel like you gained some life back? Yay!

Tara Edwards said...

12 hours is amazing! You can almost feel human after that much sleep! Thank you Quinn! We were at lunch yesterday and there was a baby about Q's age that kept looking at us and smiling the biggest smiles! I can't wait till we get to see you guys and play with him!

Morgan said...

Haha that last picture is priceless. He really is getting SO big. I'm sure that his improved sleeping skills have been quite a blessing for you. Even if you're still not sleeping like you used to, at least now you've got a bit more free time for yourself while he sleeps. Good for Quinn and good for you!

I can relate to your feelings about blogging. I used to tell myself that one day I'd be grateful for all that I've recorded, and now I'm feeling grateful. I didn't always have a clear vision of why I was doing it, but I did it anyway and I'm so grateful that I did.

Missy said...

My brother said the same thing about blogging. I say I'll do it forever, even if we are on a bit of a hiatus during this crazy school/work time. I love it too much.

Q's too cute - the dimple/smile combination is perfection.