Aug 23, 2011

We're in Texas.

(Excuse the echo.)

We're here & we're alive. A little emotionally unstable maybe, but breathing in & out, & really - doing okay 87% of the time. There's a lot to say, & a lot I'd like to remember, but there's just not a lot of time (or energy) right now. So, until I figure out how to more successfully manage all of the balls that are currently flying up in the air, here's a little snippet of Q taking a bath in our kitchen sink the other day (after he managed to puke up his entire lunch, all over himself + his surroundings - just minutes after our washer & dryer were installed, thankfully).

Currently grateful for: my mother who is here to save the day (per usual) while we get settled, a car with really fast air conditioning & for the dust buster that my mom insisted that I buy the other day (baby in a car seat several times a day + a mama who is a little bit on the extreme end of tidiness = an absolute need for a dust buster). 


Judy said...

How adorable! Quinn, looking so grown up with all his teeth!, is so sweet talking and playing with the water... I'm wondering if you are as hot in Houston as my mom is in Dallas? So glad to hear you made it safe and sound to Texas...I hope you all grow to love it there!

Kellie said...

You're doing great!!! There will be so many things (and people) you'll grow to love there.

Talk soon.

Kellie said...

PS - I just bought a cordless vac last week, primarily for my car! S didn't get many snacks in the car until recently...

Elizabeth said...

Thats like a full spa bath for him! How fun!

Lindsey said...

i want to take videos like you! you are so good at it.

yay for an update!

Q is adorable. Makes me miss having a baby!

Jill said...

he is precious. and i love your kitchen already.

Jennifer said...

The echo is awesome--means it's a really big house. He's so cute and happy. And yes, your mother was right about the dust buster. I've already gone through one.

erin said...

why have i never even though to purchase a dust buster? i think that has my name all over it.

i'm glad you're making movies. quinn needs to be on film.

Alissa said...

Love his little voice!! He is sure loving his baby-sized shower =). xoxo

Lula. said...

You guys moved?? How did I miss that? Shows I haven't checked in in a looong time. Wow, it must be quite the change! I hope the adjustment goes well.
I am loving all of these precious photos of your sweet Q. He needs to be on the cover of a magazine with those beautiful eyes!