Sep 23, 2011

365 Days of Quinn.

A photo a day, for the last 365 days. It's been a good year with Baby Q.


erin said...

my nose stung. you are totally sandbagging on this "i don't know what i'm doing with iMovie" stuff. i L-O-V-E this. so much. and it makes me feel exceptionally guilty that i don't take more pictures of my kids. i'll get it right with number three. maybe.

Judy said...

This is so sweet! Watching Quinn grow from newborn to 1 year old in 4 minutes! What a perfect song!

Aaron + Kayti said...

fabulous. i wish i had that many pictures of our little guy - it is fantastic to watch how much they change in such a short time.

Jill said...

you were so smart to do this. i wish i had thought of it with wyatt. i feel like it would just be mean to only do it with #3.

Missy said...

look at how much hair he has grown! he is such a BOY and so so cute (the cheeks, dimples and toothy smile!)

Unknown said...

woah. so much better than a baby album. I loved this too. nice work, whiting team.

Jill said...

So very sweet. The video is amazing, really. I wish I had similar of Jane.

Whitney said...

You have done a remarkable job of capturing every moment of this boys life. So beautiful!

Alissa said...

TEARS. So beautiful and adorable. Q has the most striking eyes! Loved every second of this - it's amazing!

Meg said...

Oh my gosh, I love this. So very much. It made my eyes all stingy! what a beautiful way to capture this year.

Emily said...

This is so cool & he is absolutely precious! If I ever have a baby, I'm totally aspiring to do this. Well done! Hope y'all are enjoying Texas!