Oct 31, 2011


Our little Donkey is soundly sleeping while Mike & I celebrate Halloween by watching Justin Bieber's Never Say Never (How could I have waited so long to see it?! It's the greatest). Last year?! So tiny! This year - he had a grilled chicken sandwich & sweet potato fries for lunch. Enough said.

We love him.

Happy Halloween!


Missy said...

Ok, most adorable goes to Q. That is just too perfect.

Kylie Whiting said...

dying. Q is the perfect donkey. and can i have your outfit?

erin said...


Jan said...

His little outfit looks so soft and comfy. And he looks so very happy about it all- Happy Halloween!

Tara said...

Trick or Treating at our house involves a warm coat and an umbrella just in case! It looks like in Texas it's a lot more fun! Cute cute costume :)

[eeny] said...

Cute Quinn in a cute costume.
Really adorable.

Lula. said...

What a precious donkey! And you look beautiful.

Jennifer said...

Q is the best. And his mommy knows how to do it right!