Sometimes I feel scared to admit that I like it here. I feel like I can only say it with a bit of a hesitation, or by qualifying it by saying that it has been such a hard move, emotionally - or that we like it here, but miss New York so very much (we do). What I need to remember is that I'm not betraying New York by appreciating the new life that we have, & that enjoying my life outside of a giant city doesn't automatically make me a less interesting person (one of my greatest fears about moving, really - will I be boring outside of New York?). I've had several people say things to me like, Can you even believe that you lived there for so long? That you put up with so much? Well. Yes. I can believe it, because we loved it. And it never really felt like putting up with anything, because we got so much in return for some of the small sacrifices we had to make. And really, even saying that - sacrifices - it just really didn't feel like that. We knew what we knew, & we loved it.
Anyway. I say all of this because at the end of the day, we're doing okay here. We're actually doing really well. I need to be more positive, more grateful, & more happy. I mean, we love our neighborhood. Couldn't love it more, really. There is a massive park (& pond!) across the street, we have lots of open spaces, tons of green & everything we could ever need in The Woodlands. We love our home. The other day, I found an empty cupboard in my kitchen. Totally empty! I didn't even know that it was there, & then I opened it while looking for something & was just floored by the fact that we had an entire empty cabinet. And the people in Texas are fabulous. Everyone said that they would be, but still - it's a never-ending surprise how friendly people are everywhere we go, how helpful the people in stores are, & how polite the gentlemen of all ages are everywhere we go. Texans are just really kind, genuine, good, friendly people. I'm also happy that it's October, & that we had dinner al fresco last night at a really great restaurant at Market Street. The patio was breezy, it was perfectly warm, & it was just really nice. There are so many wonderful things about living here. Like driving to Home Depot on Friday because I felt like getting some dirt under my nails, buying some plants & pots, putting them in the back of my car, & making our front porch feel a little bit more festive. Dare I say it was rewarding.
There was a little bit of perfect light that afternoon, & perfect light makes me so happy. Who has time to edit every single photo you ever take? More & more I'm realizing not me, so hooray for perfect light! And for my sweet little boy who kept trying to eat my mum.

pretty pretty porch (well scary skeleton is festive) and I love your heirloom pumpkins.
well done. you should be proud. i'm sending my avocado trees home with you next time you're here.
PRETTY, festive porch! As always, Q trumps anything else when you put him in the picture =).
Beautiful light, such pretty flowers and cute boy in shorts and a t without shoes or socks in October! Happy day.
Lookie there! She's planting and making the outside of that beautiful home look ever so pretty. Dirt under fingernails is satisfying and I'm loving hearing about your every happy discovery. That mum is going to be amazing in just a very few days....congratulations on a job well done!!
And even Halloween decorations! Your front porch looks very happy.
You're front porch does look happy!
I am liking that you sound so happy & positive (not that you have to be happy & positive all the time). You are right when you said that liking one place doesn't take away from your love of another.
I'm excited to visit you in Houston. Maybe I will come on a shopping trip when/if I loose baby # 3 weight. I've heard scary stories about the after affects of #3... oh well it's WORTH it :)
Love Mr. Skeleton! This post resonated with me - I know what you mean about being terrified not living in NY will make you less interesting. One of the things I miss the most is the feeling that the city gave me - this feeling that anything is possible and I can do whatever I set out to do in my life. I miss this energy, and I'm struggling to feel that outside of the city. I wonder if eventually, though, I may become a stronger person because I'm forced to access this feeling from someplace deep within instead. (And hopefully bi or tri-annual trips to NYC to give me a little boost!)
Aww, k, this was a feel good post. I am glad you are finding some moments of contentment... happiness, even... in your new home. Your heart can have room for 2 {or more!} cities in it!
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