Nov 13, 2011

I want to be a banker when I grow up.

Q, Grandpa Phil & I went into Houston on Thursday to see Mike at work. Walking around Houston made me a little bit.. sad. I mean, it's small! And then there's this feeling of vacancy that is just so strange to me. It's the third biggest city in the United States, but Houston's downtown is no Manhattan. Where are the bustling crowds, the street performers, the honking horns? I miss the noise, the people, the organized chaos. 

There is no place like New York City, there is no place like New York City, there is no place like New York City. 

I know this. And I'm not trying to replace our old home, because I absolutely know that I can't. But still, being downtown made me get a tight feeling in my chest & I had to take a few deep breaths to make my nose stop stinging. 

I digress.

Mike works with really nice people & we were happy to get to say hello & show off Quinn for a few minutes.  We stole Mike away for lunch & went to Irma's. It's a quirky down home Mexican place with enough clutter to make me have nightmares. No menus, & you sort of don't have a choice about what you get. After we were done with our meal, we asked what they had for dessert that day & our waiter said, Yeah, I've already got something coming for you. And then! You get a check at the end that is nothing close to being itemized. Just a number, & you pay. It was fun, Q loved seeing his dad mid-day, & my dad loved seeing Mike in his professional element. He's really proud of his son-in-law, & so am I. High five, Mike. Thanks for keeping our dream alive. 


k. said...
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Mike said...

Downtown Houston is a mild upgrade from your average suburban office park. Sorry love. But thanks for making the trip! We'll make a banker out of Q in no time... in this shot, I'm teaching him the art of the blackberry email, starting with the critical skill of properly employing the "pls" and "thx"

noelle said...

i thought the same thing several weeks ago when ez and i went to visit bruce. quiet... eerily quiet. it's unsettling.

p.s. i like your nameplate, mike.

Missy said...

Q's high cheek dimples are completely endearing.

Alissa said...

Sweet boys!