Nov 3, 2011

We're in UT.

On his best behavior at The Copper Onion. We really liked that place.

We're in Salt Lake City. Mike had a client meeting today, & since he's frequently gone + since we have lots of excuses to come - 2 sisters (me), 2 brothers (Mike) & lots of friends (us) - we decided to make a long weekend out of it. The air here! It smells like fall, & I really, really love that. The leaves in the valley are still bright (& beautiful!) & the mountains have snow on them.  I give Utah a hard time sometimes, but I really do like it here & it's fun to visit. 

I had Cafe Rio for lunch today, & it reminded me of taking my Kaplan LSAT prep class with Mike our senior year at BYU (I ended up never applying to law school - I'm sure this says many, many things about me). We'd always eat there after our class & I frequently ate THE ENTIRE BURRITO. This explains the extra 15 pounds I had no problem carrying around. Happy (sad) times. 

(Today I ate 1/4th of the burrito, Q ate the other 1/4th & I donated the remaining half to my sister's fridge for leftovers.)

This weekend! I want to go to Park City, make a trip up to Sundance, & rub my pretty sister's pregnant bellies (because I have two pregnant sisters!). I want to eat yummy food, see sweet friends & buy some sort of BYU paraphernalia. And get my haircut (tomorrow)! A happy weekend. 


Erin said...

how fun! I didn't know you guys were here! Have fun enjoying all the company and fun things. I would say we should get together, but I know how it is when you are only in town for such a quick time! And how come you know of so many yummy places to eat that I have never heard of? Keep posting about them so I have a list of places to visit!

Lizzie said...

I love Utah. We were there last month & everyone told us to go to The Copper Onion but we didn't get a chance! Maybe next time.

noelle said...

i just love you, k. this post gave me warm fuzzies for no other reason except that you sound happy. i also never ended up applying to law school. i think what this says about us is that we are smart. also, quinn's toothy little smile kills me.

Marcus Lane said...

yes, the copper onion is soo good! glad you found it. UT really is a great place with a lot to offer. although people think otherwise! Enjoy it this weekend, it might snow!!

Missy said...

Oh Utah. I would LOVE to go back. We don't really have a reason to go. But, I am constantly telling Devin that I want to go visit our alma mater:)

Meg said...

Oh Cafe Rio. I want one *now.*