Jul 30, 2012

Two photos.

I think these photos do an incredibly thorough job summing up my life right now. 

a) Q is a happy boy. Happy to have spent several really, really amazing weeks at Priest Lake (I'll post photos someday), & happy to be home again in his own space. We both feel good about being back in Texas - as Mike said, That took a year. Yes it did. 

b) My belly is getting bigger by the day (which means that I'm trying to accomplish one zillion things per day). Q seems to know what's coming* & wants lots of extra attention & loves from mama (which means that I am bone. tired. at the end of every day). I am okay with this though, especially as the reality sets in that we're nearing our last weeks together as mama & only little boy. I can't even get started on how I feel about this.

We're happy, & busy, & trying to catch up (or even just keep up, really...). As I told Mike last night, I feel like that's been the story of the last 11 months. I don't anticipate that this changes (or is remedied) any time soon.

*he doesn't have a clue what's actually coming. 


Jan said...

Ah yes...a year! Remember I told you it would take that long.....But now it's become a wonderful place for you to call home...you've got good friends, lovely digs, and such nice nice people all around. Texas is a great place! i can't wait to see Q again soon!!

Missy said...

Those chocolate eyes! He looks super happy. I can not wait to see how brother molds his way into your family. It becomes a new kind of perfect.

Lindsey said...

Glad TX feels like home now! That's such a good feeling. Q looks so happy (and like a big boy!).

I feel like I'm in a race again the baby's arrival too!

erin said...

i had a dream last night that Q was speaking to me in full, complete, articulate sentences. tell me it hasn't been that long since i've seen him.

Elizabeth said...

He may not have a clue what is happening but I think he is going to be a good big brother….. once he gets that there is another center of the universe : ) he is so stinking cute!