|| he makes a little mmm, smack! sound with his lips when we say it's time to say a prayer before he eats (we said a second prayer for the sake of capturing his sweet folded arms on camera) || Donkey obsession || play dates, lunch dates & fire station dates with friends || helping mama put up some more frames in the frame wall (so many photos, so little space) || The Children's Museum & the discovery of the sandbox || gabgabgab watching || running lots of errands with mama ||
This weekend: we bailed on our Austin trip with friends (sad face) thanks to my, um, cervix. Instead, we'll stay close to home & the hospital just in case - & get some things done in the meantime. Like putting curtains up in the piano room 1+ year after moving in (a rug, chairs & a chest come next!), birthday-partying for friend Grace, & putting the finishing touches on Little Brother prep. In the meantime, announcements are done (just waiting on the details, of course, before sending them off to the printer), envelopes are ordered, laundry is finished, name is mostly-chosen (don't ask!), nursery furniture is all in place & hospital bags are packed. The shower I'm hosting next weekend is planned & delegated (thanks to nice friends who have jumped in to help with so many things), & I'm having lunch with our photographer on Tuesday (in lieu of meeting her for the first time while I'm not wearing pants). My laundry room closet makes me happy every time I open it (thank you, new shelving!), & I have enough toilet paper from Costco to last through 2013.
I'm feeling on top of things.
Except for the fact that I just can't bring myself to order our double stroller.
Let's all spell together: D-E-N-I-A-L.

We went to dinner with friends Leigh + Paul tonight (& our littles) & Q was a zombie child thanks to a short nap. But at least a quiet + zoned out zombie, & not a rage & destruction kind of zombie. Sweet boy.
1 comment:
At least there are double strollers! My mom had three kids in 2 1/2 years (in the early 60's) and she said, "I could get in the car and drive around but I couldn't get out."
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