First of all,
I'm not really sure how that happened, but hello! Here you are. It's baby shower month (for sweet friend Natalie), Q's birthday month, lots of friend's birthdays month & Little Brother's month. !!
I'm actually really, really happy that it's all here.
We're observing Labor Day today by swimming (this morning), a family brunch out & projects around the house (Mike is installing curtain hardware in the living room as we speak - my heart is happy). I have a pre-natal massage in an hour, & sweet Q is snoozing away after a busy morning.
Since we didn't quite make it to Austin this weekend (sad face), we were able to make it to Grace's 5th birthday party on Saturday (happy face!). Grace is one of Q's very first Texas friends & we love her like our own. She's got enough sass to go around, which means that she & our little boy are a happy + excited combination. I'm fairly certain that Q breaks out into immediate giggles every time Grace walks into the room. Despite their age difference, they love to play together.
Grace's party involved swimming, pizza & a perfectly-timed Texas rainstorm that blew in almost as fast as you could blink, providing the perfec kind of entertainment that a bunch of 5-&-unders need on a 90˚ day. Rain! So much rain! Naturally, Q ran out in it (a giant fountain!!) & pretty soon everyone was dancing.
(When the lightning & thunder came, Mike had to run a rescue mission to the playground to rescue Q & Ella so that they could take shelter. I think he wins Dad of the year for his soaking-wet heroics.)
*Make sure to catch the video at the end.

I was hoping there would be a post up and I wasn't disappointed! Way more fun to look at incredible pictures with your commentary to accompany. We're oh so glad and grateful that you're cervix made you stick around. Love, love the pictures. And, yes, obviously my daughter adores Q. He was the only guest under 4 that had to be invited- love him holding up his hands to catch the rain pouring off the building!
Wow, did this ever bring back memories! I was born and raised in Texas (until I was 21!) and those Texas downpours...playing outside in WARM rain... what fun! Quinn is precious with his arms up, obviously enjoying the shower!
As he discovered lightning bugs yet?
every time i see pictures of you guys outside i get nervous about mosquitos. i'm sure the rain kept them at bay, but still.
hi kathryn! i'm a friend of erin b.'s from high school and ran across your blog last year from hers. it was a thanksgiving post and i just thought your table settings were so lovely! i'm just starting to think about this upcoming t-day and i hope you don't mind if i pin some photos from your blog from that day. since you don't know me and may think that is super creepers, i'll check back on this comment. just say nix if you'd prefer i not do that.
kate hale wilson
Hi Kate, you're totally fine. No worries. :)
many thanks!
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