37 weeks pregnant. Little Brother will show up... any time! It's all a guessing game of course, but hopefully shortly after my mother arrives. Fingers are crossed & prayers are being sent upwards - both for her arrival, & for an epidural before I'm dilated to a 9 this time around.
The color is off in all of these photos - sort of like I changed the settings in my camera to make people look sickly. And you know, I just don't have the gusto to edit photos right now, so c'est la vie.
Because seriously, I'm losing my mind. I was re-arranging our shelves in our living room this past weekend when I dropped a very large + very metal letter down about 6 feet, hitting the built-ins on its way. Let's just say that our carpenter is coming this weekend to do some repairs. And then yesterday, my shirt was on backwards all day long. It wasn't even one of those shirts that looks okay backwards. And then in the afternoon - before I even discovered the shirt-on-backwards situation I might add - I was heading out to the grocery store & trying to call a friend from the car. I couldn't find my phone anywhere in my bag - anywhere! I knew it was in my car, because my blue tooth was hooked up, but just couldn't find it. Finally, I spotted it: on the windshield, on the outside of my car. I was going 35mph down my street.
I'm trying to start today off on a better note. I don't really sleep much past 3:30am (clockwork! lovely), so I was out of bed by 6am - bed made, laundry in, dishwasher started, fridge cleaned out & bleached, new baby bouncer set up & green smoothie consumed.* Heavenly Father knows & loves me, so Q slept in until 7:30 - a necessary time for me to gather my strength / sanity, since I was soon greeted with the stinkiest of all stinky diapers, a giant cockroach that needed to be murdered, & shortly after - a kitchen floor to be vacuumed (thanks, breakfast). The little earwig scurrying across my floor a few minutes later was the insect icing on the cake for the day - I hope. I ran upstairs & touched the paint up quickly in Q's room, & now I feel better. It's 8am.
Next up on my list is trying to figure out how to move a grand piano so that we can get our new rug that arrived yesterday underneath it. Tricky (i.e. heavy).
I made a trip down to Houston yesterday morning for some power shopping with sweet friend Noelle. Highland Village is my happy place - Restoration Hardware (their beautiful, beautiful flagship store) + Baby, Paper Source (flutters), Sprinkle's Cupcakes, every home & design store you could imagine on Westheimer, LuluLemon... Happy! We squeezed in a few quick hours of shopping-with-toddlers fun (oxymoron?) & then met Mike for lunch. I love Noelle, & I love sweet EZ, but seriously, look at the photos below - they are teenagers! Total boys, & it breaks my heart a little bit to see them so big.
(Also, EZ was much better behaved than Q at lunch. He ate his fruit & vegetables, drank nicely from his cup, devoured his protein & has the cheek chub to prove it. Just look at the sinister - too strong of a word? mischievous - look on Q's face in the last photo. You can tell how lunch went, & yes, he stole most of EZ's potato chips.)
Other random photos: Q & Mike basically dress the same on weekends. JCrew tshirts, chino shorts (or swimsuits), sunglasses... two peas in a pod, these two. Q's favorite time of day is when Mike walks in the door from work. Having him home for a long weekend was amazing.
Q steals my iPhone whenever he gets the chance - & knows how to find all of the games, too. Grown up, grown up, grown up! Skinned knees & all.
*I ate a cinnamon roll immediately upon getting out of bed. I love / hate the sweet friend who brought a plate over yesterday.

Noelle, remember when these boys were babies?
I refuse to get out of my bed before 8am. It's just a rule I have. And I wonder why I don't get much done during the day?! You are an inspiration.
ps. I would like to know how many iphone cases you have. I've counted 4 so far?
holy moly, how are you already having this baby!?
Also, in case you haven't picked a name yet, I was just in Idaho and heard a GREAT one. Ready?
You're welcome.
save that last picture for when they're roommates at byu in five minutes.
seriously, kathryn. i really wonder why in the world you hang out with me sometimes. i've folded laundry today and feel extremely accomplished. fail.
i love these pics, despite how they highlight ez's truly horrible haircut (like totally missed cutting the top...). seriously LOVE these boys. you make me happy and i love you. and i can't believe you did all of that before 7:30am while 9 months pregnant. you are my hero. you know what i do when i'm 9 months pregnant? i lie around being uncomfortable, getting irritated with people and eating my feelings left and right. you're just so much better than me in so many ways. i admire you. xo.
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