Thursday, September 20th || 11:32pm || 7 lbs || 20 1/2 inches
Seven days early, fast & furiously. It's one of those we made it just in time! stories, except that another hour to get an epidural in would have given that just in time statement some more weight, really.
(I survived, & we're so happy that he's here.)
We named him West - because we like it - & Philip after my dad (note the one L two P's as he's always said). My mom practiced for two days with Quinn saying his name while we were at the hospital. This morning, he came up to me & asked where West was. Brothers!
(Q is truthfully currently a bit indifferent, as long as Grandma or Dad are taking him to the park often & he's getting the extra cookies & cake! that seem to be perpetually floating around our kitchen the past few days.)
He's sleepy & looks a lot like his brother - although different, too. We think he's perfect, naturally.
We're really happy to be home. Exhausted, absolutely. But really happy.
More soon.
Congratulations to you and your family.
He is percious and i love the name you picked.
Very exciting Kathryn! Congrats to you all
Congratulations to all four of you! I'm so happy for your family!
Welcome West! He is, of course, lovely and perfect and a dead ringer for his big bro. I bet he'll look good in stripes too.
dear west, i'm coming to visit soon. i can't handle these internet introductions. xox.
Hurray! So exciting - cant wait to meet you West!
congratulations!! such a great name.
congratulations...to all of you! I love, love, love his name! Quinn and West...enjoy every minute of this time!
I'm so very happy for you.
Congratulations!! So happy for you and your family :)
Congratulations Kathryn! He is beautiful!! So happy for you guys. :)
He is perfect. Congratulations, Whiting family! Can't wait to hear more details about the birth story - that sounds stressful! I'm glad he's here healthy & happy. Good luck these first few days/weeks. They are hard but so precious.
Kathryn, I am so so thrilled for you! Welcome to the world, baby West! He is darling! I hope you get to spend the next few weeks just drinking him in! Much love xx
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