Oct 29, 2012

This post has been in draft mode for a week.

A week ago (?) I was going to do this really uplifting post about how I was basically having the worst week ever. I had a long laundry list with lots of details to share - think traveling husband + newborn acting like a newborn + sick toddler + sick me (thanks, toddler) + a few nights that almost sent me to the loony bin. But I was too busy to sit down at my computer, of course. Mike finally got home - sweet relief! - & the next day a man rear-ended me as I was heading out for some luckily solo time. $7,000 worth of damage to my car was just the icing on the cake. I didn't even cry because really, of course I got rear-ended after the worst week of my life. C'est la vie. 

Really, it's good that I held my tongue (i.e. didn't have the mental capacity / time / energy to blog), because the details of being absolutely miserable are fuzzy now, & that's probably just better. I know that I felt exhausted, sick, bipolar & like everything bad was just raining & pouring down on me. I apparently wasn't shy about sharing this (I lack a filter) & was getting a lot of how are you doing?? phone calls that week from concerned family & friends. My candle was thoroughly burned at both ends.

Bless my sweet husband for getting my mom on an airplane before he left for Europe last week. I'm sure it was his survival / protecting-his-offspring instinct kicking in, but it was good of him. My mom has always told us she'll be down here whenever we need her, & she means what she says. They both knew I needed her, because really, there is no way I could have done much-of-October* on my own, especially with the perfect storm of events that ensued. I know a lot of people have done much harder things in their lives, but I'm not sure I've ever been so spent. 

My friend Meg put it so perfectly the other day - Our mamas have superwoman capes that they dusted off as soon as they became Grandmas**. I'm so grateful for her. 

I'm a week+ behind on photos & just about everything else really, but that's okay. Because my mom was here for 5 days (hooray!), & two of my very best friends in the whole entire universe showed up at my doorstep Friday night, just a few hours after she'd left & Mike had gotten home. A surprise! I cried my eyes out, naturally. And then my dear husband threw me a birthday party with my nearest & dearest in Texas Saturday night & it was all just really nice.

The world is looking a bit sunnier this week, especially since Mike's travels to New York were cancelled for the week & mama & son have finished their respective forms of antibiotics (& discovered cough medicine safe for children and pregnant / nursing mamas!). 

Tidbits worth remembering: 

Q told me that he loved me - without me asking him to say love you, mama - for the first time on his own the other night, just after his bath when he was all wrapped up in his towel. I almost cried. 

He also learned how to say Grandma (finally!) & has been asking for her every morning. They are total pals & I love it.

More new words: Quesadilla! Applesauce! And Where's Dad? when he wakes up. A dozen others, I'm sure. 

West took a bottle! Considering he still basically hates a binky, this is huge, & makes me feel okay about facing the next year breastfeeding (i.e. being more or less chained to my child).

On a related note: The boys have a new babysitter friend that I stalked found at the pediatrician of all places (I've learned that you have to be aggressive with responsible teenage girls). She's 17 (drives!), smart & driven (full ride athletic scholarship next year!), loves babies (she literally glowed when she said that - she's already a better mother than I) & is available! This makes me happy. 

Random, random photos from the other week... 

* Or the last year, really. The number of days my mom has spent helping us is rather astonishing. 
**Although I think mine has always had one, it was just invisible until I grew my grown-up eyes. 

Evidence that a few of our days were hard. It's unfortunate we can't turn up on the volume.

Dress rehearsal for Halloween festivities.

The Woodlands' Wildflower Festival 

Building forts on a rainy day.


caitlin and brinton said...

I love that Let it Be shirt; so cute! You have an awesome mom and apparently some awesome friends too.

erin said...

so you have wildflower festivals in october? no fair.

and those first few pictures of quinn are just sad and pathetic, poor boy.

bad things happen in threes, but maybe in your case we should say bad things happen in multiples of threes, cos i'm sure last week you had at least twelve.

Meg said...

Forts!! That looks super fun.

Those first two pictures look the opposite of fun. So glad your momma could swoop in to help!

Corinne said...

the top right pic is hilarious. there's nothing like hearing that first "I love you."