Oct 1, 2012

On Saturday, it rained.

On Saturday, it rained.

(It's really so refreshing to have weather other than warm & sunny every so often.)

It rained hard enough that our power went out for a bit in the morning (just as we were getting ready for our photographer to show up at our house for some family / newborn photos), throughout the morning & into the afternoon. 

When it let up for a bit, we took advantage & threw the boys into the stoller for a stroll. Naturally. 

We were a bit more ambitious this time (I'm feeling better every day!), & walked around the park looking for ducks (Q's favorite), thinking that the cooler temperatures (with killer humidity, still - my hair is evidence) were pretty nice. We showed my mom a few of the homes we almost bought instead of ours, carried West when he decided he wasn't very happy in the carseat, & chased after Q as he went running, running, running. 

And then it started to rain again, so we walked quickly home.

West took a lovely little snooze in his bassinet in the living room when we got home. Sleeping & eating all day + every day is apparently very hard work.

1 comment:

Kylie Whiting said...

love those last photos of west in the bassinet- pretty light and cutest grey stripes!