Nov 21, 2012

West swings.

I've had guilt these past several weeks about my poor second child. Sad that he doesn't get the same attention that Quinn got as an infant, sad that I was a little bit of a wreck his first several weeks of life (& now he's so big, so fast & that precious time zipped right by) & sad that he's drastically under-documented - in comparison to his elder brother, anyway. I'm certain that I have 1/4th the photos of West as I did with Q, & I've written down drastically less as well.

I'm going to try to do better with our sweet West. 

Round cheeks, chubby legs, new smiles, longer eyelashes & a more grown up cry this past week - all reminders that soon enough he'll be asking me for more! more! more! & begging to go to the park every seven seconds. 


Judy said...

Very sweet video! Having more photos...more videos of your first is so normal... You're a bit busier :)
I just love your videos...all of them! Is there a tutorial somewhere on vimeo or did you just figure it out on your own? Of course, you have amazing subjects... your boys!

k. said...

Thanks, Judy! You always say the nicest things. :)

Vimeo is just what I upload my photos to, not where I make them (I use iMovie) - it's like YouTube. But I've just taught myself a little bit of iMovie... I really don't know much at all.

Jill said...

Your videos/photos are lifetime treasures. Lucky boys. It's not easy & you do it well!

erin said...

that was tender. i'm sorry to admit that he really does look so content and happy to be dairy free. tell quinn to hip him to potbelly's shakes.... w doesn't know what's good for him.