Jan 25, 2013

Last week + a mini movie.

So, Q has been a general disaster in the sleep department ever since the new year started. We've had a few normal nights, but we've had far more where he has woken up at odd hours, sometimes multiple times a night, & always early for the day. Sometimes he wants his blankie put over him again when he wakes up, other times a song, & always his Donkey. It's exhausting, especially when you throw in a baby & a traveling husband into the mix. 

Last night, West slept until 4:30am which had the potential to be lovely, of course. But Quinn! He woke up shortly after going to bed wanting to be tucked in again - & then again around midnight. At 2am, he was up for almost an hour, with nothing wrong in particular, just not wanting me to leave his room (I did, & he cried until around 3am when I finally went up & gave him Donkey again, who had been thrown on the floor).  West woke up shortly after I'd actually fallen asleep again, & Quinn was up for the day at 6:15 - after I'd gotten maybe an hour of sleep after feeding his little brother. All arguments about the sun still sleeping! & it just being too early to start the day - especially after a night of little sleep for either one of us - were in vain. We are losing this battle, & we are tired. I can't chalk it up to anything except for his little toddler brain working in overtime & learning all sorts of new tricks, or maybe perhaps it's because I've offended the universe somehow. I've consulted my library of sleep books & failed to find a solution. He's not hungry, cold, hot, or in pain. His bedtime isn't too late or too early. His naps are still mostly great. It's the biggest mystery right now, & a cruelly timed one at that. Someday, I keep telling myself that someday I will have two little boys sleeping at the same time, & I will no longer need to wear under-eye concealer that costs as much as a decent dinner out. 

(To be fair, they often nap at the same time in the afternoon. I, of course, cannot get myself to nap despite knowing that I should.)

Mike has been working nonstop, like all hours of the day nonstop. I've learned to hate anything associated with Asia, & not to expect him home often. He's been traveling a lot, & when he is here, he's often squirreled away in the office working until two, three or four in the morning. This current deal he's working on has been absolutely brutal & I'm counting down the days until the initial phase is over (& dreading the ones to come). I mean, hooray for having a job & a house & temporal blessings & blah blah blah, but right now I just sort of want a nap.  

But last week! The sunshine was out, & we got the happiest surprise. Mike's sister Cara sent us an email Friday morning asking when she could come visit. I called her a few minutes later & that night she was on a flight from DC to Houston. That night! We've had so few visitors outside of parents since we moved here, so it was such a happy thing. She spent the weekend with us & it really was so great. I'm sure Cara's tolerance for choo choo's & stacks was seriously tested, but Q had such a great time with her, I loved & appreciated her willingness to help, & we had a really lovely, mellow weekend. We made yummy food, ventured to the park a few times, & otherwise mostly stayed at home. It was nice.

Photos! And a little video snippet at the end showing off Q's latest trick at the park.

(Also! We're well aware that West has a giant head. Oh my goodness!)



erin said...

okay is it me or are these pictures super great and amazingly sharp? if this is your 24-70 lens, i need it in my life immediately. and i need your photog skills, but unfortunately i don't think those can be purchased.

i just really wanna hold west.

k. said...

Well geez, you're super nice.

Hmm... I think most of these are with my 85mm f/1.2. There's a few with my 24/70mm, but mostly the 1.2 (& you can probably guess which ones).

West & I are going to visit Elko this spring, pinky swear.

Missy said...

I agree about the pictures. The weekend sounds (and looks) mellow and happy. Yay for spontaneous company too! The pictures of you and West are adorable.

(That stage, where they are getting full but can't quite sit on your hip? I want it back right now.)