Jan 17, 2013

Quinn reads.

I was changing West's diaper yesterday when I noticed that Q was very excited about the book that he was reading... Hooray for my phone being in my pocket!



Unknown said...

It is dreary here and my night was draining but "pear, pear, pear, pear, pear, pear, pear, pear, pear, pear, pear..." just really helped. He's darling.

Luke{and}Dana said...

Could he be any cuter?! This is absolutely precious. His little voice makes my heart melt.

Jill said...

This really made me smile.

Jamie said...

Oh, Zoey just absolutely loves to watch your videos. This one in particular has been her favorite. She just learned to say apple, so every Quinn says it she smiles and says it with him. He is too cute!

Jamie said...

Oh, Zoey {and I} absolutely love to watch your videos. Especially this one because she just learned how to say apple. So every time Quinn says it she gets a huge smile on her face and says it with him. He is so adorable!!