(from my iPhone & my camera)
The first photo? The one where I look 87? I took a nap Sunday afternoon on the couch while the boys slept - the first nap I've had in weeks, I think. I slept hard, & it was really nice. I woke up with the sound of Quinn's feet going pitter patter pitter patter quickly across our wood floors. He & Mike were getting ready to head out to go to the park, but he looked over at me curled up half-awake under my blanket & said Mama! Mama! He climbed up & snuggled next to me, & then - he wouldn't leave. He didn't want to go to the park, he just wanted to sit there with his sleepy mama for a minute or two. I asked him if we should take a picture. Yeah!! I don't really care if I have wrinkles + puffy eyes - this photo makes me so happy when I look at it because those were the sweetest few minutes with my boy. He has such a happy, good heart, even if he's frequently poking his little brother in the eye (eyes!!) or squeezing his nose & saying Beep! Beep! (I take the blame for teaching that one).
We've had a quiet week at home, staying in most days & wearing our coziest clothes. The flu is running rampant so we're staying away from, oh, public places basically. West decided it was time to start sleeping 10+ hour stretches at night (hooray!), & Quinn has apparently adopted the sleeping habits of an infant (naturally), so while I feel a bit ragged being on my own with these two this week, I'm happy to have had some mellow days without any high demands. This morning, Quinn coped with his early (understatement) wake up hour by requesting to watch home movies, especially the ones of the cabin & his cousins. Every time we'd get to the end he'd say, More! Ellie! More! Parker! He loves his cousins. I'm just happy the videos let me snooze on the couch.
Great pictures! Cute boys!
Perfectly tweezed eyebrows & make up on... hardly 87!
Love catching up on your blog. Your photos always make me smile. Our boys! When did they get so big?
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