Apr 3, 2013

Three of us at the zoo.

I've had a few moments in the past week or so where I've thought that maybe I'm just going to make it. West went to the grocery store for the second time in his six months of life last week (it was seamless - except for the old woman who stopped me and wanted to talk about his helmet for 25 minutes, including lots of details about all of the horrific things her grandson had to go through as a result of being in one - lovely). Another night, we went out to dinner while Mike was working late / traveling / otherwise not home. Yesterday, after spending 24 solid hours listening to Quinn say, Ride choo choo! Zoo! Ride choooo choooooooooooooo!!! every 17.3 seconds, I piled my boys and all of our stuff in the car and drove the hour down to the zoo (after West's 6 month check up and shots). I feel like I get a good mama award for this or something. 

West did fine at his appointment. He's short (12th percentile), small (10th percentile - that chub is misleading) and has a giant head (98th percentile). He's a total bobblehead, but as our neuro friend said the other week, the kids with the big heads eventually grow into them someday. I'm not worried. 

The zoo! West was passed out from the trauma of shots (so sad) and slept through the giraffes, the birds and the cows (some African animal that I could not identify, so I just agreed with Quinn's assessment). We stopped for a hot dog - Quinn's request, which he promptly through on the ground and just ate the bread, of course - and then made our way over to the train. On our way, a woman from an African country that I cannot remember told me that I should have had him sleep on a bag of sand as a small baby (like they did in her country), and then I wouldn't have to hurt him with a helmet.

Thanks, total stranger. Unsolicited advice / comments / communication of form really is always appreciated. 

Quinn loved the train, and it was absolutely worth the drive (and the missed naps on the way home which resulted in a looooong afternoon). It's Quinn's happy place, without a doubt. 

(I have two boys! I really love it.)

A bunch of photos from my iPhone.

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