Sep 28, 2006


How come my mother never taught me that you should not touch skin after cutting jalepenos?! Mike and I made Ghanaian food the other night (yes, we are very cultured) and I made the mistake of scratching my nose after chopping up the peppers. Ouch! It BURNED! You would think that I would have caught on. The story continues... About an hour later I was washing my face before bed. As I thouroughly scrubbed my eyes to remove my mascara, I felt a stinging then burning sensation in my eyes. Yes, the jalepenos apparently absorbed into the skin on my fingers and transferred to my EYEBALLS! I put jalepeno peppers into my eyesocket! It hurt. A lot. Lesson learned.


Unknown said...

Man, you are getting creative with your menu. Nice work! Sorry about the pepper in the eyeball.
How are you liking the book?

k. said...

Kelli- I just ordered it off of Amazon... brand new for about $4.00! I think it is an excellent choice to kick things off, although I haven't read it (I've heard great things). I'll keep you posted. :)

k. said...

Ghanaian food involved MANY, MANY spices (which explains the stomache ache I had the next day), rice, meat and of course, jalepenos. It was delicious, but apparently dangerous to make!