Oct 27, 2006

A few things I like... and don't.

Things I like:

  • The smell and warmth of fresh photocopies
  • Clean sheets
  • Naps during a rain storm
  • New York in the fall
  • Clean laundry
  • The hot towels they give you at nice restaurants before you eat
  • Banana bread straight from the oven
  • Morning phone calls from my Dad (Monday through Thursday on his way to work)

Things I don't:

  • Bathroom stalls. I think it is weird that we are forced to sit within feet of another person. I don't like running into people I know in bathrooms, either. It is awkward for some reason. I really like the bathroom stalls in Europe that are separate rooms, with walls that actually reach all the way to the floor.
  • Continuing with the bathroom theme- Bathroom attendants. I do not understand why there needs to be someone who hands me a paper towel after I am finished. Nor do I feel the need to tip them.
  • Food with faces still attached (see Wire.Whisk)
  • Cab drivers who can't find Wall Street in New York
  • Cold sheets
  • Waking up before the sun comes up (every day this week = no fun)
  • Living so far away from Priest Lake


k. said...

It is strange. Luckily it only happens in very nice places, so we only have to encounter it on "special" occasions. I always find it very bizzarre and invasive in a creepy kind of way.

Unknown said...

I love wire whisk too. I've gotten to posting on it yet...but I will. Nice job with the photo additions. That makes it fun.