Nov 7, 2006

Dirty Tuesday.

My mornings have been real winners this week. I woke up this morning, and as is custom, stumbled to the couch in my pj's, turned on The Today Show (I'm still getting used to Meredith Viera. I miss Katie.) and flipped open the laptop to check my Yahoo account (which I can't access as work). I was excited to see that someone had posted a comment on our blog, only to find that the link took me to an X-Rated website. Soon after, I checked my voicemail & found that Kelli had stumbled upon this lovely page while navigating our blog the night before & was kind enough to call and fill me in. Great. I haven't quite figured out how to delete comments yet (help?) and ended up deleting and republishing the entire post. I felt disgusted at what I saw, and violated that someone would put something so vile on my happy, FAMILY FRIENDLY blog. I was sad that my good friend Kelli had to see it. I was angry that I had not "protected" my friends reading our blog by enabling safeguards to prevent this kind of spam. It is so disgusting. I feel so sorry for the woman in this world who feel like this is a good, career building option for them. I feel sorry for their incredibly low self-esteem and self worth. I am sorry that they subject themselves to the creeps that actually enjoy looking at them.

Hopefully our blog will remain squeaky clean going forward. Sigh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, you don't know me but I am a friend of a friends. You sent me and invitation to join the wirewhisk blog but because I use the beta blogger it won't let me comment on the blog. I appreciate the invite and when they let me comment on non-beta blogger blogs (tongue twister) I will definitely put up some recipes. Also, I love NYC and I am really jealous that you live there!