Feb 12, 2007

These are a Few (more) of My Favorite Things

Ribbon Belts (especially from JCrew): My newest favorite is the white one with butterflies. I just bought that on Saturday. I love it. Along with red shoes and fun earrings, I like to spice up my all-black outfits with a nice splash of color.

The Dwight Schrute Bobblehead Doll: This is how romantic I am- I bought this for Mike for Valentine's Day (along with a nice shirt for work, to make up for the silly gift). We love Dwight, and now Mike gets to spend all day at work with him.

Jade Plants: They can live as long as humans. The best part: they are almost impossible to kill! You only water a few tablespoons every month. I bought this one almost 2 years ago at the Reading Terminal Market in Philadelphia. Mike and I went for a quick weekend to visit my dad who was there on business. I think they are unique, beautiful looking plants.

Downy Wrinkle Release Spray: Nothing beats it on a Monday morning when you are running late and nothing has been ironed. This stuff really works.

MAC Mineralize Satin Finish SPF 15 Foundation: I have never been someone with flawless skin, let along someone who doesn't have to wear makeup. This being said, I'm glad someone invented MAC. I bought this recently and have started getting compliments on my skin. This has never happened before & I'm conifdent that I have my new "mineral" foundation to thank. It looks like skin, it isn't cakey, and it it makes me glow. I love it.


Unknown said...

I love these belts. I've gotten them as gifts several times, but none for myself. And they're perfect because...they don't make your shirts poke out. I'm a fan of the butterfly one too. :)

Missy said...

I promise I won't take over your comments section like I do other people's (ie: Kelli). BUT, BUT. I love when you do these "favorite" posts. I learn so much and feel the sudden urge to rush out and buy everything you write about. This time? The plant and the belts (all of them). Thanks!

k. said...

Comments welcome! I don't get many, so no worries of taking over anything! :)

I like to learn about favorite things, too. This is how I've discovered many of MY now-favorites. It's fun to share with friends.

I think the Jade plant is my favorite out of this group. It is such a constant. I have killed numerous plants in my life. I've managed to keep a few for a couple of years now, and they are sort of like kids... I pride myself in keeping them healthy and green. I have a half-dozen or so plants in my apartment (which is a lot, considering how small it is). They make things feel fresh and comfortable. My jade plant happens to be the easiest and least tempermental. I appreciate this.

Jan said...

You guys keep me feeling young and alive! I love not only your blogs, Kathryn but Kelli and Missy's as well. I feel I see another part of our wonderful world enitrely through your eyes. Don't ever stop blogging!