Apr 19, 2007


I've decided to chronicle my day apparently. When else will I get to do this?

I went to a "medical facility" to pee in a cup (drug test). The place was scary, and was filled with very odd people. I waited for almost 45 minutes. The bathroom that I had to use was half the size of any "normal" size bathroom, with the toilet seat about 5 inches from the wall (i.e., lack of leg room). It was a bit tricky- more so than usual. I hate, hate, hate peeing in a cup. No fun.

I went back to Restoration Hardware to make sure that I wasn't missing any colors. I wasn't, but I felt better double checking. MAC is right next door, so I went and turned in 12 (yes, 12) empty makeup containers of different varieties. My reward: 2 new shades of eyeshadow (which I desperately needed, right?). Hey, I didn't pay for it. It doesn't count. Somewhere in between, I ran into our friend Bryan. I love running into people in Manhattan. It makes it feel a bit smaller.

I stopped by another store (to remain nameless) to pick up a birthday gift for my sister, and hopped on the subway to come back downtown again. By the way- I've had tremendous luck with subways today. I didn't wait more than 20 seconds all day. That never happens (especially when it needs to happen).

The day isn't even close to over. I'm going to spray paint the lamp, meet with our management company regarding our lease reassignment, and pick out my first-day-of-work outfit. It's casual Friday, which means that the grey suit I was planning on wearing tomorrow is no longer appropriate. Looks like it will be cute jeans and heels. This is going to get some getting used to.

On a random note- I'm going to start writing about my favorite things about the city. My favorite thing about New York City today- Artists. Everywhere. Even on the subway. I was "R" train today and a man a few seats away from me was scribbling furiously on a piece of paper. Within about 20 seconds or so, he handed the man seating next to me the sheet. On it- a flawless sketch of this guy. It was absolutely incredible. This guy had done it in ONE subway stop. In small print on the bottom he wrote, "If you like it, please tip". The guy was really nice about it and gave the guy a few dollars. But wow - the talent. I was kind of mad the guy didn't draw a sketch of me.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I would love to be sitting there and have a random artist come up and hand me a drawing of myself. How cool and spontaneous.