May 24, 2007

deep breath.

Quickly. I have to be quick. I am busy. With a capital "B". Why do I feel better if I blog {quickly}? Home at 10:00 pm last night after beginning my day around 7am, worked until 12:30, woke up at 6am {in the exact same position as when I fell asleep, in perfectly neat bed}, and am back to work. Busy.

Yesterday- my food intake consisted of the following: 1/2 bagel, 1/2 chocolate croissant {delicious}, a dozen or so raspberries, a small salad, half a ham and cheese pannini, several mini fudge brownies, half a sugar cookie, split-pea tortellini, fried callamari, several diet Pepsi's {yuck- I hate Pepsi}, a few small glasses of orange juice and who knows what else. Not good. This is what happens when you are stuck in a hotel for 36 hours.

In other news- I made it into the NYC Half Marathon. In August. August FIFTH. Uhm- Yikes?

PS- I am stealing {these} from Missy and Kelli. They are too pretty to not use.


Missy said...

Yea! You got into the NY half marathon. I'm so excited for you. This is the greatest news Kathryn. I can't wait to hear how you do and feel.

Busy. You are busy!

Heidi said...

Good luck with the half marathon!

k. said...

Uhm, hi... I actually have to REALLY train. In about 9 weeks. SCARY!

My eating habits did not help my cause.

Unknown said...

wow Kathryn. I'm so ispired by your running drive right now. Nice work and congrats! You can do it.

p.s. the { } were originally Missy's. I stole them too.

Patrick&Kera said...

Kathryn that is so awesome! I need to get up the drive someday soon here to start running again. I actually got a scale and weighed myself for the first time. I've lost 30 pounds but the numbers on the scale are still not pretty :)

k. said...

30 pounds! Are you floating away? Good job Kera. I've seen pictures- you look awesome.

mere said...

i've stolen the pretties too and diet pepsi tastes like diet windex. good luck on the marathon. my sister did the chicago marathon and said it was awesome