May 30, 2007


My mom insisted on taking pictures of our building & surrounding area while she was here so that she can show my Grandma, etc. She also made the {sad} comment that she has always felt like us living {so far away} in NYC was a temporary situation. I suppose it sort of hit both of us last weekend that it is a permanent thing- meaning, we don't have any plans to leave. I've gotten fairly good at not crying when my family leaves from visits to NYC {the first year was always traumatic}, but the flood definitely came this time- for about an hour. I suppose that I still suffer from separation anxiety from my parents. This is a topic in & of itself. Hmm. Anyway- this being said- I'm going to be positive & happy {despite the fact that all of my siblings live in Oregon, Washington, Utah & California- all within a short & direct flight from home & each other}. I really do like NYC. I mean seriously- look at this picture. This place is not typical, by any means. It is an incredible, unique, vibrant city in which I am lucky to live. Still- Message to family: Please visit often. And soon {can't wait for you to come next week, Tara!}.

This is our apartment building, bottom to top. We're on the 29th floor, facing west. We love it. The only other things that I would love to have: A washer & dryer in my apartment. This will mean that we have really made it. Someday.

Our front door. We're still trying to figure out what makes the doorman choose the revolving door vs. the swinging door. Hmm.

Our old home {Wall Street} did not have a single tree. It was was very grey. There were a few very small bushes down the street {in planter boxes at Cipriani}, but that was it. We are happy for the trees, grass, shrubs & fountain out in front of our new home, and for the trees on surrounding streets {and the proximity to the river & park, of course}.

Our living room {aka the front lobby}. It is very elegant. It's sort of stuffy, but that's okay. We feel very young in our building, with both senior citizens and teenagers alike running around. Case in point: My grandmother lived in a very nice "assisted living" facility {a notch below a nursing home} before she passed away. It was cute place filled with cute old ladies. Everyone ate dinner together, and everyone brought brightly colored gift bags so that they could take their leftovers back to their apartments. Well- Mike & I went to the gym early this morning, and sure enough- there was a little old lady on the stairmaster {she was at least 70}, and next to her was a very cute little mini-gift bag with her keys & gym pass inside. I don't think that I ever saw anyone over 65 before I moved to the Upper East Side. Interesting.

Mom on the roof deck {37th floor}.


Heidi said...

I too most likely permanently moved away from my family, however I still live in the west. But, I live in Reno, so that doesn't really compare to NYC. Either way, I feel your pain (I mean when you let down your positive and happy guard).

Unknown said...

It's hard to be away from family. I know! But you're right- lucky you to live in such a cool, exciting city. Hopefully you'll get to a point where you can make as many visits as you want back West. That would be the perfect compromise, right?!

Tara Edwards said...

I'd sart looking for want adds in the Portland newspaper for you if I thought you would move here! But you know, when you think of it, It takes me 6 hours to drive to Mom and Dad's house and it takes 6 hours for me to fly to New York so I'm just as far from home as I am from you but when I go to see you I get a movie and someone else drives! Sounds like a good deal to me! Not everyone is going to live within shouting distance! And how awesome is it that Mom saw you last week, I see you next week, you get to spend 9 days at the lake this summer, you will be home for Christmas, and if you get on it you can fly to see me this fall! How about Thanksgiving! Or Halloween! That would be fun!

k. said...

I would move to Portland in a heartbeat, Tara. Any day! We just need jobs. I can be your nanny. That would be fun. Can you pay me my NYC salary? :) Please?

Super excited for you to come next week.

Jan said...

That crooked picture was taken by me, I believe. I was in such a hurry to capture a few snaps that I got way sloppy. I too melted down for an extraordinary amount of time as I left. I put on my sunglasses and hid in the corner of my taxi. I do not like doing it(leaving or crying). I will accept what is though. I am happy for all of the wonderful things in your life. You will never hear me complain. Ever. What good does it do anyway? Right now is your time to bloom where you're planted, and you're doing that beautifully!

Missy said...

I'm impressed with you (and your mom!). What a nice post to your family. You do seem very happy despite being far from your family.

Patrick&Kera said...

you could get an amazing job here in a second, plus its gorgeous weather all year round:)

Melissa said...

I'm glad you had a good time with your mom! When do you get to go to Spokane this summer? Not to make you jealous :)...but we are going this weekend for Loni's senior piano recital. Should be good. We are also going up for the week of 4th of July...if you will be there I would love to see you!