Jul 18, 2007

happenings & such.

  • I'm doing this "cleansing" diet with my friend at work. This apparently involves no food. I drank a putrid liquid for 2 days, with intermittent "snacks" {aka nuggets that taste & look like big Flinstone vitamins}. Oh- & it also involves having to pee at least a dozen times a day. It's supposed to do all sorts of incredible things for your health. I had my first solid food today: a protein-esque shake for breakfast, then I was allowed to have lunch {400 - 600 calories}. I'll have a shake for dinner, then repeat for 4 more days. After this- 2 more days of "cleaning" {aka drinking putrid liquid}. 9 days total. Thus far: I'm doing okay, but I miss food! I am having dreams of Shake Shack & banana bread {the latter being my "last meal"}. Sigh. I'm thinking that my first meal will be a Blockheads burrito & a trip to Pinkberry. Nothing like offsetting a week of discipline, right? Everything in moderation...
  • I went running for an hour on Monday, trying my best to get ready for my NYC half marathon that is in 3 weeks. As soon as I got off the treadmill, I knew something was wrong. I pulled a muscle in my BUTT! My BUTT!! I didn't know this could happen. It still hurts. It hurts to WALK!! This is not good. I'm going to try swimming tonight, but the closer this thing gets {August 5th}, the less likely I think it is actually going to happen. I feel like a total failure.
  • I decided to go to bed at about 8:30pm last night. I woke up at 2:30am WIDE AWAKE. I absolutely, positively could not go back to sleep. I finally got on my laptop and worked for an hour, sent some random emails to my friends & family, & climbed back into bed. I tried to fall back asleep to no avail. I kept poking Mike to see if he would wake up to keep me company, but no luck. Sigh.
  • I haven't been blogging much this week. I've been tired. My brain has felt sort of... empty. Or maybe just busy. Can a brain feel busy? Too busy to blog? I think mine has. I've had nothing but lame thoughts running through my head- super boring ones, too.
  • I'm slowly working my way through Middlesex. It's a tale of a hermaphrodite born into an incestuous family. Interesting foundation for a plot, but I actually really like it. I had a fun time explaining it to my dad yesterday! It's not a quick read though. I've found that I can't breeze through it like I can with most books. This is going on 2 weeks now of intermittent train reading! I've got at least a third to go...
  • I want to get my BFF something thoughtful for her wedding {it's in December- I'm already worried}. I tend to get practical things, but this is the girl I've known since I was 12. What is a special wedding gift? Not China, not place mats, not pots & pans... I want unique. Ideas? My sister gave me a bag full of 30 different kinds of McCormick spices for one of my showers... this was so great. But I don't want to do domestic for my BFF. I want: Fun. Unique. Thoughtful. Perfect.
  • I spent an hour yesterday searching for my Dad's favorite childhood book- "Rufous Red Tail" {seeing the hawk in the park the other day reminded him of it, and he had to have it}. I finally found it on Amazon- for $200!! It was published in 1947. Luckily, he did some further digging and found a less expensive copy. It had better be a good book.
  • I didn't get an "I'm not a Plastic Bag" bag. Oh well. I couldn't stand the thought of waiting hours in line, and when I called they said it was already horrendous. I made a last ditch effort & called the Greenwich Whole Foods thinking that one of my work friends could pick it up for me {I was working from home today}, but no luck there either- all the stores sold out within the first hour. Boo.
  • I can't decide if I like my old bright green background better, or the new & crisp white. Change is good, but I think I had a good thing going on... I need a webdesigner to do this for me...
  • I haven't had a soda in 1 week & 3 days. This is a record {and I'm feeling just fine, thank-you-very-much}.
  • MY HAIR. Oh my gosh, my hair. My hair has not been cut since MARCH I think. Maybe even earlier than that. I remember it being cold outside... I was wearing my black puffy jacket with a furry hood. Anyway. I'm serious about feeling like Rupunzel. It is getting to look hideous, even in a ponytail. It is far too long, and not long in a cute way. I can't figure out what to do with it. It's hot & humid outside. This isn't fun. It's like wearing an extra sweater {and I already have enough layers going on}. I cannot wait until I get my hair cut in Spokane. Chris is going to be horrified of the state of my locks.


Heidi said...

Last summer I had the same summer sydrome- it really can feel like an extra layer of clothing! Then I chopped it all off for Locks of Love. It was fun, for a bit. My husband was not loving it though - he likes it long.

I also wish I had a webdesigner for my blog.

Your diet does not sound very desirable. Good luck with that, oh and with the butt muscle- ouch!

k. said...

I'm approaching as a "cleanse" instead of a diet... I think I'll inevitably lose a couple of pounds, but it's supposed to clear your system out... Ew.

Maybe I will look into Locks for Love. How short did you have to cut it? I have a lot of hair I could get rid of...

Unknown said...

Kathryn. Buy the book Detox for Life by Josephine Collins. (I found it at Anthropologie a couple of years ago and LOVE it!) They have a detox "diet"- more of a cleansing- in it as well but you can eat food. Just "clean" food. The book has amazing photos and a lot of other good ideas.

Since Anthropologie is your favorite store (mine too!), you should put together an amazing gift package for your bff: one of the blue volcano scented candles, a great display book (they have Amazing ones), maybe an awesome throw pillow (or blanket) for their bed and some great stationary for all the wedding thank yous, etc. Fun stuff for the home that is personalized and unique. Throw in your favorite mellow and romantic cd and it's perfect. Maybe??

I really like the white background. I noticed it this morning and prefer it. I want a webdesigner too! Have you ever considered switching to wordpress or typepad? They have some pretty cool templates.

Good luck with the haircut! I can't wait to see pictures. Maybe a before and after.


k. said...

Thanks Kelli. I'll look that book up (sounds great). Maybe it's on Amazon, too- I always find such great deals there.

I've thought about switching, but then I think about what a PAIN that would be. I don't mind blogger so much- just wish that I was better at HTML, or had a bit more creative freedem (or talent, for that matter).

Oh- and I love the gift idea. Something like that would be perfect. You're such a good gift-giver.

Heidi said...

You have to cut off a minimum of ten inches for Locks of Love, which is a lot, but something to think about. Either way, a trim I am sure will feel so great (once it happens)

Lindsey said...

I loved heidi's cut last year. You can probably find a picture of it on her blog archives. Heidi, do you just send in your hair yourself then?

I like the white background a lot too. And I also wish I had a web designer for my blog!

Blockheads looks yummy.

k. said...

That's exactly what I did! I went back and looked at your history, Heidi. :) I think I like your hair how it is now, better. You have a really cute cut.

We measured last night. My pony tail (from the nape of my neck to the bottom) is 13 inches... but that would leave me with some SERIOUSLY short hair.