Jul 28, 2007


I've had a seemingly-endless search for a great swimsuit this summer. Even though I already have a few that work, a trip to the lake {or beach, roof deck, etc.} always seems to stir up another search.

With Kelli's suggestion, I ordered this tank {pretend it is navy} & matching bottoms from JCrew last week. I got it in the mail a few days ago & really, really liked it. BUT THEN. But then...

Mike & I had a marathon day of shopping yesterday {to be covered in a later post?}. Our last stop of the day was at Target- we always go while we're in Connecticut so that we can stock up on toothpaste, deodorant, etc. {so much cheaper than the city}. I've never purchased a swimsuit there, but have always heard great things from my best friend. Lo & behold, casually browsing just in case I found two of the cutest swimsuits, both under $30. I bought the pink tankini above, with bottoms that are hard to explain- they are solid pink with a perfect amount of coverage, but also really unique looking... the top sort of folds over... They're cute {promise}. It was a toss up between the 1-piece and the tankini. I've never been much of a 1-piece fan, but this one was CUTE. I may just order it anyway- only $28. I'm obsessed with polka dots, and finding a swimsuit that is flattering & fits perfectly is definitely rare. Turns out I have a couple of polka dot swimsuits in my "swim" drawer at home {brown with white & red with white}, but again- flattering is key.

Swimsuit #2... Can't find a picture, but I'll post a picture from the lake I'm sure. Black, straight across {sort of a bandeau top in the chest area}, but it's a tankini. Cute black bottoms. Simple, cute & flattering {see paragraph above re: importance of flattering}. I'm thrilled. I love Target {oh- and we bought spray-on sunblock, too- my tummy is starting to peel!}. And oh again- Mike & I both think it's really odd that Target chose to chop off the top of this poor girl's head in the pictures. I don't think that was very nice.


Melissa said...

Very Cute suits! Love the polka dots! I'm jealous you get to go up to Spokane again! I wish we were planning another trip! Have so much fun at beautiful Priest Lake!

Tara Edwards said...

So you need to go to the beach more often to justify your swimsuit obsession! Cute suits!

Missy said...

How many days? I can't believe you are going again to the lake, I'm so happy for you. Vacations are my very most favorite thing lately:)

Are you going to keep the JCrew one now? My sister has a black one from Target - it's cute. I've never tried one from there though. I think that pink color will make you look tan...

Mike said...

can someone tell me why they cut that woman's face in half? Bad eyebrows, perhaps?

PJ and Julie said...

I am a huge fan of target swimsuits. they are cheap so you can buy lots of them. and they cover my butt more than any others.

Heidi said...

I have a one-piece swimsuit from target and I love it. They are good stuff.

Lindsey said...

I love the pink! Both swimsuits are adorable. I like your black jcrew one too. Also, I'm a big fan of bandeau tops. I have black one like number 2 from jcrew.

Rae said...

I'm also obsessed with polka dots. Nice work!
I love Target suits. I have one I got there a couple years ago and get so many compliments on it. AND I once saw Anna Kournikova sporting it in Us Weekly.

Ryan said...

Mike. It's easy... We're not selling eye liner!!!

Thanks for the patronage. My target stock appreciates you.

Mike said...

we definitely made a healthy contribution to Ryan's paycheck this trip...