Aug 29, 2007

Mike's Wednesday morning commute


Tara Edwards said...

Oh no! That's awful! I hope your bus driver will still let you on the bus!

k. said...

I vote this Mike's #1 blog post.

Jan said...

Ouch! Well done Mike...Hope today's commute was easier. I wonder how long it took the two drivrs to straighten things up so they could both move along -I'll bet there were a few angry passangers. Thank goodness for I Pods and Laptops.

Lula. said...

You are very artistic.

Ben said...

I really like your briefcase, simple, stylish, functional. I might have to get myself the same model.
I second the nomination for #1 post.

Patrick&Kera said...

You should go into children's literature.

Elizabeth said...

Those graphics are AMAZING!!!