Sep 16, 2007

Eww. Really?

If you're considering joining this "bootie" trend, please stop. A girl at church today was wearing these shoes. I'm not trying to be critical, but please. What will our children think in 20 years if we succumb to this level of hideousness? Hopefully this terrible trend does not escape Manhattan.


Patrick&Kera said...

our children will think oh that is so ugly and then a couple years later it will be BACK in style and they will be asking for money to buy them.

Patrick&Kera said...

by the way, the only way you get the gift is if you pay it forward yourself.

Heidi said...

I know it already made it's way to LA because I have seen some celebs wearing it. Yucky, what could be more unflatterin ot the leg and ankle? anyhow, I think there are a lot of trends right now our kids will think are gross...

Lindsey said...

I am not a fan either, but it is BIG over here too...

Jan said...

My dear Auntie Dean had those exact shoes! She was born in 1886 and died at 99 years of age. Seriously, they were identical!

Rae said...

I'm not going to lie, I LOVE the ankle boots. However, just like with tapered skinny leg jeans, you have to be a twig to pull off the look.....hence why I don't own a pair...sigh.

Elizabeth said...

I have three pair red black and gold.. whats wrong with them

k. said...

Yuck, yuck, yuck.