Oct 30, 2007

best. wife. EVER.


(unlike the Hudson trend of late, I'll let you know what I think about you in private) **wink**wink**


Patrick&Kera said...

Happy Birthday Sweet Pea!!! Your Beautiful. Me and Patrick made a cake for you and even blew out candles and pretended it was you blowing them out. What a fun birthday of yours we had today!!!
Your a gem.

Lindsey said...

Happy Birthday! I love October!

Melissa said...

Happy Birthday! Hope your day was great! This is a such a cute picture of you two!

Heidi said...

Oh I just read these posts and now I am confused as to if your birthday was yesterday or today...

Unknown said...

that is a great picture. portia.. right?! happy, happy birthday.

[I'm glad you spoke up, Mike.]

Anonymous said...

What a darling picture. Happy Birthday Kathryn!