Jan 13, 2008

Linked up.

  • I ran this race on Saturday, despite being on the verge of bronchitis. About three miles into it I decided that I really do just hate running. But since then... I've re-evaluated & determined that I was just feeling sick & being negative. I really do like to run, promise. I like achieving a goal {no matter how long or short}, the release of endorphins {& relief of stress}, & the opportunity to see really old men wearing super tight fluorescent spandex {always fun to run at Central Park}.
  • Interesting article published recently about Mormons in Manhattan {thanks, Caitlin}
  • Or, how about this one in the New York Times? What is it About Mormonism?


Julia said...

I did not like the article in the Times. But you already know how I feel about these things.

I can't commit to any specific perfume. Right now I love Burberry Brit and Chance Chanel, I also love Une Fleur by Chanel

emily said...

I have the Fresh shower line...love it. I discovered it for the first time at the Bacara Spa in Santa Barbara and have been in love with ever since. Good choice!

Tara Edwards said...

Where did you find it? I've always wanted to have a purfume I loved but I have issues with smelling too flowery. And I get headaches. Or at least I did once, and I've been afraid to try something new!

Jennifer said...

I love Fresh!!! Ryan and I fell in love with it when we stayed at Hotel Vitale on the Embarcadero. Ryan still talks about their beautiful bathrooms and how good they smelled!

I'm on a Marc Jacobs kick right now.

k. said...

So, I have a bit of a Sephora "issue" (we won't call it a "problem"). I got it there, but Fresh has boutiques as well, and they sell it at most major department stores (Saks, Bloomingdales, etc).

I can't really do most perfumes, either. Flowers are yucky, vanilla-based anything gives me a headache, and I don't want to smell like a grandma. But I like this one, and I've gotten a few "you smell nice" comments. From people who aren't creepy.