Feb 26, 2008

The random resurfacing of Mike...

...here's a bit of irony - I visited a client today in West Palm Beach, Florida - Florida Power and Light, to be specific (largest generator of wind energy, for all you granolas out there). Right after I boarded the plane to come home, FPL had a blackout affecting nearly the entire eastern coast of the state (where I was). If my flight were delayed by even a few more minutes, I'd be sitting in a Hyatt in Juno Beach right now. Given the delicious weather (84 degrees, low humidity), that might not have been the worst outcome.

I read an interesting article in The Economist's Science and Technology section on the way home. I don't have a link to the original article, but here's an alternative source - Sex-Changing Chemicals In Municipal Wastewater Devastate Wild Fish Populations. The gist - estrogen originating from birth control finds its way to wastewater and impacts downstream wildlife. What this version of the story fails to mention (that The Economist does mention) is that the estrogen exposure "feminizes" certain species of male fish to the point that they produce eggs. I was going to make a joke about how my absence has made this blog so feminized that it practically produces eggs, but then I said 'hey, probably not the best come-back lead in. Start with something softer.'

(KIDDING, by the way, Kathryn. LOVE the blog. To death).

PS - travel safe Kathryn! Love you!


Kera said...

Welcome back. You've been missed.

Kellie said...

That is some serious good luck, as far as being stuck somewhere that isn't called home. But, given West Palm Beach (I was just there last week) would have been the stranded destination & the fact K. is going out of town, a beach day would have been enjoyable.

Jan said...

Good to hear from you...you've been missed!

k. said...

I really, really love that your post is "justified" on both sides. I think that means you really love me...

I am so OCD.

Mike said...

yeah, I published it and THEN went back in and justified it. So yes, I guess I do love you.